Obesity has become the most common chronic disease of the present
day, with significant increases in prevalence in populations across
the world and all age groups. This has resulted in a dramatic
increase in obesity-related metabolic and cardiovascular
complications, making it an important public health issue.
Type 2 diabetes associated with obesity or ‘diabesity’ is today the
most common form of type 2 diabetes. It is also associated with a
number of other cardiovascular risk factors, which constitute the
metabolic syndrome. Effective management of ‘diabesity’ is crucial
to the reduction of morbidity and premature mortality due to
cardiovascular disease.
This book comprises chapters written by leading international
experts on various aspects of obesity-related diabetes. As a
practical reference guide, it is suitable for all professionals
with an interest in this field. Emerging problems such as childhood
‘diabesity’ and the impact of obesity on polycystic ovary syndrome
will be of interest not only to paediatricians and
endocrinologists, but also to general practitioners and other
healthcare professionals.
The contemporary approach to the clinical assessment of obesity and
its management in both primary and secondary care settings is also
Jadual kandungan
List of Contributors.
1. Changing Epidemiology of Obesity – Implications for Diabetes
(Jonathan Webber).
2. The Genetics of Human Obesity (Victor J. Lawrence and Tahseen
3. Lifestyle Determinants of Obesity (Susan A. Jebb and Jeremy
4. Pathogenesis of Obesity-Related Type 2 Diabetes (Phillip
Mc Ternan and Sudhesh Kumar).
5. Obesity and Prevention of Type 2 Diabetes (Jaakko Tuomilehto,
Jaana Lindström and Karri Silventoinen
6. Diet and Food-based Therapies for Obesity in Diabetic
Patients (Iain Broom).
7. Behavioural Modification in the Treatment of Obesity (Brent
Van Dorsten).
8. Physical Activity, Obesity and Type 2 Diabetes (Carlton B.
Cooke and Paul J. Gately).
9. Diabetes, Obesity and Cardiovascular Disease –
Therapeutic Implications (Jayadave Shakher and Anthony H.
10. Drug Therapy for the Obese Diabetic Patient (John P. H.
11. The Role of Bariatric Surgery in the Management of Type 2
Diabetes (David D. Kerrigan, James Evans and John Pinkney).
12. Childhood Obesity and Type 2 Diabetes (Krystyna A. Matyka
and Timothy Barrett).
13. Obesity and Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (Diana Raskauskiene
and Richard N. Clayton).
14. Management of Diabesity in Primary Care: a Multidisciplinary
Approach (Ian W. Campbell).
Mengenai Pengarang
Professor AH Barnett, MD, FRCP, Department of Medicine, Birmingham Heartlands Hospital, Birmingham, AL.
Dr S Kumar, MD, FRCP, Professor of Medicine (Diabetes & Metabolism), Warwick Medical School, University of Warwick, Canada.