Dr. Mahendra Singh is working as a Principal Scientist (Animal Physiology) at National Dairy Research Institute Karnal, Haryana. He has been actively involved in research, teaching and extension activities and is working in the area of lactation endocrinology and milk production management of cows and buffaloes. He served in various capacities as Officer Incharge of Cattle Yard and Animal health complex, NDRI for 5 years, besides being the I/C of guest house and Technical/computer cell at ERS-NDRI, Kalyani. Dr. Singh has published 85 research papers, 25 popular articles in national and international journal of repute, delivered 25 guest/invited lectures and presented 90 abstracts in various symposium and conferences in India and abroad. He has published 12 technical books, 8 pamphlets, 1 text book and 2 manuals on Biotechniques in lactation and milk production. Dr. Singh acquired advance training on bovine growth hormone at University of Florida, USA and has been awarded with many prestigious awards and distinctions including Dr. D. Sunderasan Memorial Award, D.N. Mullick Award and Best papers awards by professional societies. Dr. Singh has been an expert member of various committees of the institute and is expert member of Subcommittee on Farm Management (Milking methods and Management) of International Dairy Federation (IDF) since 2003. He has guided 4 Ph.D. and 8 M.Sc. students for their dissertation work. Dr. Singh has handled many research and consultancy projects as a principal investigator and gave consultancy for opening the new dairy farms to the progressive farmer”s dairy entrepreneurs.
Dr. Davinder Kumar Sharma, B. Tech (Dairy Technology) 1976; M.Tech. (Dairy Technology) 1978; Ph.D. (Dairy Technology) 2000 from Dairy Science College NDRI, Karnal. Worked in KVK and Trainers” Training Centre, NDRI as Training Assistant and Organizer Sr. Scientist 1979-1992 and Consultancy Board, NDRI Karnal 1994-1996. Worked as Principal Scientist at Dairy Tech. Division NDRI up to 2002 and as Head LPT and I/C Director at NRC on Yak Dirang (Arunachal Pradesh) from 2002 to 2005. Presently working as Head of Regional Station at Eastern Regional Station (ERS), NDRI, Kalyani (West Bengal) since 2006. Dr. Sharma has 30 year experience in teaching, training, research, extension, administration and consultancy in the field dairy & food processing and also worked at Federal Dairy Research Institute, Germany, NRC on Yak, NRC on Mithun. Published more than 120 research papers, Technical articles, popular articles, Book Chapters, Bulletins, Books, Course compendium and Conference/Seminar Compilations, etc. As DAAD fellow conducted advance research in the area of Dairy processing/membrane technology (UF, RO, NF and MF). Develop Technologies for manufacture of UFShrikhand, UF-Channa, Cheddar Cheese Flavour Base, Custurd Milk, Yak Milk, Cheddar / Gouda Cheese, Yak Cottage Cheese and other cultured milk products and sweets from Yak Milk etc. Also conducted research on Yak meat products and Yak wool products for value addition and preservation. Organized National Seminars in the area of Organic milk production and processing; Integrated and Sustainable Dairying in Eastern and North Eastern India, which proved to be a newer and path setter approach to enhance productivity and profitability at small milk producers level. Recipient of DAAD fellowship (1986-1988); Best paper Award (2000-01) Indian Journal Dairy and Biosciences; As course cordinator organized course on ‘Application of Membrane Technology in Dairy and Food Processing” (Dec. 2000-Jan. 2001) at NDRI, Member of Export Inspection Agency (EIA) GOI Panel 2001-2002; Referee for IJDS scientific articles; cultural Secretary, NDRI club 1990-93, 3yrs.); General Secretary Staff Club (1993-94); Member organizing committee for ICAR inter institutional sports meet (2-6 March 1993) and Life member IDA.
Dr. U.K Mishra obtained BVSc. & AH. and MVSc. Degrees from the College of Veterinary Science & AH., MHOW (1976), Jabalpur (1980) respectively, and Ph.D. from Chaudhary Charan Singh Harayana Agricultural University, Hisar (1996). He started his teaching carrier as Senior Research Assistant in 1976 and subsequently as Assistant Professor, in Vety. Physiology of College of Vety. Sci. & A.H., Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya, Jabalpur. He was selected as Associate Professor at the College of Veterinary Sci. & AH, Anjora, Drug, where, he established the Department Veterinary Physiology in newly opened College in the year 1987. He developed the department with modern equipment and brought adhoc ICAR research project and Network Project on Embryo transfer technology in Sahiwal cows and produced several live ET calves. Dr. Mishra was selected to the post of Professor & Head in the same department where, he has been teaching Veterinary Physiology courses at U.G. as well as P.G. level for more than 33 years. He has also guided many students for the award of MVSc and Ph.D degrees. He has published 5 books and more than 150 research papers in national and international journals and contributed chapters in text books of physiology and pathology. Dr. Mistra has the rare distinction of getting award of “National Biotechnology Associateship” for post doctoral research program from Department of Biotechnolgy, Govt. of India to conduct research in National Institute of Immunology, New Delhi and at University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Canada (1991). As recognition of his research contribution he was conferred “Best Scientist Award” in 1999. He held the post of the Dean in three Colleges viz. Collge of Veterinary Sci. & AH., Anjora, Drug (2002-03), College of Dairy Technology, Raipur (2004-05). In the year 2009 he has been selected as Director of Instructions, Indira Gandhi Krishi Vishwavidyalaya, Raipur (C.G.) and presently continuing in the same post. Dr. Mistra is also working as Dean, College of Dairy Technology, Raipur.
2 Ebooks by U. K. Mishra
U. K. Mishra & D. K. Sharma: Organic Dairy Farming
The book Organic Dairy Farming unfolds the various aspects of the organic dairy farming system, need of organic farming. Dairy industry scenario in India and Abroad, quality control aspect of milk, n …
U. K. Mishra: Physiology of Animal Growth & Bioenergetics
The book entitled Physiology of Animal Growth and Bioenergetics’ authored by Dr. U.K.Mishra, consists of two major components, the Physiology of growth in animals and the Bioenergetics. Each componen …