Pengarang: Ugo Nocentini

Ayman El-Baz is a professor, university scholar and the chair of the Bioengineering Department at the University of Louisville, Kentucky. He earned his BSc and MSc in electrical engineering in 1997 and 2001, respectively. He earned his Ph D in electrical engineering from the University of Louisville in 2006, and has 17 years of hands-on experience in the fields of bio-imaging modeling and non-invasive computer-assisted diagnosis systems. Jasjit S Suri is an innovator, scientist, visionary, industrialist and internationally known world leader in biomedical engineering. He has spent more than 25 years in the field of biomedical engineering and its management, and in 2018 he was awarded the Marquis Life Time Achievement Award for his outstanding contributions and dedication to medical imaging and its management.

4 Ebooks by Ugo Nocentini

Ugo Nocentini & Sarah Di Vincenzo: La riabilitazione dei disturbi cognitivi nella sclerosi multipla
La sclerosi multipla rappresenta una delle cause più frequenti di disabilità cronica nei giovani adulti. Essa colpisce, soprattutto, individui tra i 20 e i 50 anni di età, con un picco di incidenza i …
Ugo Nocentini & Carlo Caltagirone: I disturbi neuropsichiatrici nella sclerosi multipla
La sclerosi multipla è tra le più frequenti cause di disabilità cronica nei giovani adulti e le conseguenze della malattia hanno un notevole impatto non solo sull’individuo, ma anche sulla sua famigl …
Ugo Nocentini & Carlo Caltagirone: Neuropsychiatric Dysfunction in Multiple Sclerosis
This book provides comprehensive and up-to-date information on the neuropsychiatric disturbances that may be experienced by patients with multiple sclerosis. The first section is designed primarily t …
Ayman El-Baz & Jasjit Suri: Neurological Disorders and Imaging Physics, Volume 2
More than two million people worldwide were affected by multiple sclerosis (MS) in 2015, with rates varying widely among different populations. This book explores the basics of MS, which is the most …