Pengarang: Urs Maurer

A Fellow and Director of the Homeopathic Medical Association, UK – In practice as a Classical Homoeopath for over 36 years with a clinic in London – Lecturing in University and conferences for many years – Retired from the National Health Service after many years’ service – Translator of “Understanding Classical Homoeopathy” and author of a number of articles and reviews.

6 Ebooks by Urs Maurer

Heidi Grollmann & Urs Maurer: Understandig Classical Homeopathy
Classical Homeopathy has become an increasingly popular therapy in recent years, its use providing effective treatment of both acute and chronic illness. This book explains the fundamentals of Classi …
Heidi Grollmann & Urs Maurer: Homeopathy in Acute Conditions
With the help of this book you will learn in a clear and straightforward way all you have to know, to be able to treat acute conditions with homeopathic remedies.In the first part homeopathic princip …
Heidi Grollmann & Urs Maurer: Homöopathische Selbstbehandlung in Akutfällen
Dieses Ebook vermittelt Ihnen auf leicht verständliche und übersichtliche Art das für eine homöopathische Akutbehandlung notwendige Wissen. Die Anwendungsgrundsätze wie Dosierung, Wiederholung der Mi …
Heidi Grollmann & Urs Maurer: Klassische Homöopathie verstehen
Dieses Buch: Erklärt Ihnen, wie Krankheiten entstehen und warum wir krank werden Zeigt Ihnen die Ursachen der Krankheiten und deren Verlauf auf Beschreibt Ihnen, welchen Einfluss die ererbten Krankhe …
Tomohiro Inoue & Urs Maurer: Routledge International Handbook of Visual-motor skills, Handwriting, and Spelling
The Routledge International Handbook of Visual-motor skills, Handwriting, and Spelling explores the potentially controversial field of early literacy education. It aims to offer scholars and practiti …
Tomohiro Inoue & Urs Maurer: Routledge International Handbook of Visual-motor skills, Handwriting, and Spelling
The Routledge International Handbook of Visual-motor skills, Handwriting, and Spelling explores the potentially controversial field of early literacy education. It aims to offer scholars and practiti …