Many parents say “I just want my child to be happy.”
In this book, Usha Chudasama guides and empowers parents and their children – aged five to eleven years old – to shift negative perceptions and build a strong positive mindset. Parenting is a science. This book lays the foundation to build resilience for life’s future challenges. Uniquely, blending the up-to-date theory of positive psychology, neuroscience and holistic practices, this jargon-free book takes you step-by-step through: scripted, fun and practical activities; powerful techniques and strategies; to create the ideal setting for raising a happy and confident child.
In this book you will learn how to:
- understand the dynamics of family life today and how to manage stress;
- become aware of how your behaviour and experiences influence how you parent your child; and
- use a range of techniques to change your child’s mindset for self-confidence and happiness.
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Contents List
Chapter 1; Create the Right Environment
Step 1, Relaxation and why we need to relax
Chapter 2; Create Healthy Minds
Step 2, Happiness is a choice and how our brains work
Chapter 3; Use Imagination and Creative Visualisation Effectively
Step 3, Creative visualisation
Chapter 4; Develop a Positive Mental Attitude
Step 4, Develop a positive mental attitude
Chapter 5;Engage Your Attention and Awareness
Step 5, Identify negative messages
Chapter 6; Overcome the Parenting Guilt
Step 6, Negative to positive; flip-switch
Chapter 7; Build Emotional Health
Step 7, Explore our emotions: anger
Chapter 8; Deal With Fear And Worries
Step 8, Deal with our emotions: fears and worries
Chapter 9; Develop an Attitude Of Gratitude
Step 9, Gratitude
Chapter 10; Develop Compassion
Step 10, Compassion
Afterword: Call To Action