Dr. Pawe³ Kowal is Research Fellow at the Chair of European History and Civilization at the College of Europe in Natolin, where he co-leads, together with Professor Georges Mink, the “Three Ukrainian Revolutions” project. He is also Assistant Professor in the Institute of Political Studies at the Polish Academy of Sciences. In the past, he served as a Member of the European Parliament and Chairman of the EU Delegation to Ukraine.
Dr. Iwona Reichardt is Deputy Editor-in-Chief of the journal New Eastern Europe. She studied political science at the Jagiellonian University of Kraków. Her previous experience included work with the Foreign Policy magazine in Washington, DC, and policy analyses for the World Bank.
Dr. Georges Mink is Professor of European Studies at the College of Europe in Natolin and Director Emeritus of Research at the Institut des Sciences Sociales et du Politique, Université de Paris X, Nanterre. Mink is author of, among other studies, Vie et mort du bloc soviétique (Casterman 1996) and Polska w sercu Europy – Od roku 1914 do czasow najnowszych: Historia polityczna i konflikty pamieci (Wydawnictwo Literackie 2017).
Adam Reichardt, MPA, is Editor-in-Chief of the journal New Eastern Europe and a member of the editorial board of the Central European Journal of International and Strategic Studies. Reichardt studied Public and Nonprofit Management at George Mason University and Political Science and International Relations at the University of Wisconsin.
5 Ebooks by Vakhtang Kipiani
Pawel Kowal & Georges Mink: Three Revolutions: Mobilization and Change in Contemporary Ukraine II
The second part of this multi-volume project assembles a series of recollections and debates on the Ukrainian revolutions of 1990, 2004, and 2013–2014. After an introduction to the methodology of ora …
Vakhtang Kipiani: Der Zweite Weltkrieg in der Ukraine
In diesem Band sind authentische Schicksale zusammengetragen: Vakhtang Kipiani legt eine faszinierende Sammlung von Berichten über zerstörte Träume, zerrissene Familien, Tote, Ermordete, Folter, Grau …
Vakhtang Kipiani: World War II, Uncontrived and Unredacted: Testimonies from Ukraine
The war separated families, took lives, broke fates … It is very important to know and remember it at any time. Even many decades later, new details, memories, and testimonies appear. This book gat …
Vakhtang Kipiani: Ukrainische Dissidenten unter der Sowjetmacht
Vakhtang Kipianis Interviews mit ukrainischen Dissidenten legen Zeugnis ab über die Taten derer, die die Grundfesten des Gefängnisses, das sich Sowjetunion nannte, untergruben. Kipiani führte Gespräc …
Vakhtang Kipiani: Ein Land weiblichen Geschlechts: Ukrainische Frauenschicksale im 20. und 21. Jahrhundert
Herausragende Frauen des 20. Jahrhunderts wirkten allzu oft im Verborgenen. Einige der Frauen in diesem Buch dürften, zumal außerhalb der Ukraine, noch gänzlich unbekannt sein. Aber ihre Rolle in der …