Jadual kandungan
Vally Lytra, Cristina Ros i Solé, Jim Anderson and Vicky Macleroy: Introduction: Why Liberating Language Education?
Part 1: Policies, Discourses and Ideologies
Chapter 1.Thomas Quehl: ‘I don’t think we encourage the use of their home language…’: Exploring ‘Multilingualism Light’ in a London Primary School
Chapter 2. Ambarin Mooznah Auleear Owodally: Recognising the Creole Community: Discursive Constructions of Enslavement and the Enslaved in Kreol Textbooks in Mauritius
Chapter 3. Cátia Verguete: Appropriating Portuguese Language Policies in England
Chapter 4. Vally Lytra: Making Sense of the Internal Diversities of Greek Schools Abroad: Exploring the Purposeful Use of Translation as Communicative Resource for Language Learning and Identity Construction
Ana Souza: Commentary for Part 1
Part 2: Language-Living: Materialities, Affectivities and Becomings
Chapter 5. Nuria Polo-Pérez and Prue Holmes: Languaging in Language Cafés: Emotion Work, Creating Alternative Worlds and Metalanguaging
Chapter 6. Eszter Tarsoly and Jelena Ćalić: Language Studies as Transcultural Becoming and Participation: Undoing Language Boundaries across the Danube Region
Chapter 7. Cristina Ros i Solé: The Textures of Language: An Autoethnography of a Gloves Collection
Simon Coffey: Commentary for Part 2
Part 3: Transcultural Journeying and Aesthetics
Chapter 8. Jim Anderson: Visual Art in Arabic Foreign and Heritage Language-and-Culture Learning: Expanding the Scope for Meaning-Making
Chapter 9. Maria Charalambous: Creating Pedagogical Spaces for Translingual and Transcultural Meaning-Making and Student Agency in a London Greek Complementary School
Chapter 10. Koula Charitonos: Opening Spaces of Learning: A Sociomaterial Investigation of Object-Based Approaches with Migrant Youth in and beyond the Heritage Language Classroom
Chapter 11. Dobrochna Futro: Translanguaging Art: Exploring the Transformative Potential of Contemporary Art for Language Teaching in the Multilingual Context.
Alison Phipps: Commentary for Part 3
Part 4: Voices, Identities and Citizenship
Chapter 12. Yu-chiao Chung and Vicky Macleroy: How Weird is Weird? Young People, Activist Citizenship and Multivoiced Digital Stories
Chapter 13. Gabriele Budach, Gohar Sharoyan and Daniela Loghin: ‘Animating Objects’: Co-Creation in Digital Story Making between Planning and Play
Chapter 14. Jessica Bradley, Zhu Hua and Louise Atkinson: Visual Representations of Multilingualism: Exploring Aesthetic Approaches to Communication in a Fine Art Context
Kate Pahl: Commentary for Part 4
Vally Lytra, Cristina Ros i Solé, Jim Anderson and Vicky Macleroy: Conclusion: Language Education Collages