Vanessa Smith Morest is dean of institutional effectiveness at Norwalk Community College in Norwalk, Conneticut and adjunct assistant professor of higher education at Teachers College Columbia University. She is currently serving as president of the National Council for Community College Research and Planning and a member of national committees, including a National Science Foundation Advanced Technological Education research advisory committee and the taskforce charged with developing the Voluntary Framework of Accountability for community colleges.
2 Ebooks by Vanessa Smith Morest
Vanessa Smith Morest: Community College Student Success
Student Success: From Board Rooms to Classrooms analyzes the emerging body of scholarly research on student success in an accessible and readable way that community college leaders will find both int …
Thomas Bailey & Vanessa Smith Morest: Defending the Community College Equity Agenda
Winner of the 2007 Outstanding Publication Award given by the American Educational Research Association Division J.Community colleges enroll almost half of all undergraduates in the United States. Th …