Vikky Turner (Author) Vikky Turner worked as a nursery nurse at her local school until taking time off to help support her son, Toby, who has autism. She lives in Oxfordshire with her husband, Neil, who is an IT manager, and their children: Lauren, 18, Joe, 16, Toby, 11, and Ollie, 8. They also share their home with Sox the dog. Vikky now enjoys volunteering as a speaker for the charity Dogs for Good, sharing Toby and Sox”s story and the amazing work the charity does for others around the UK.
2 Ebooks by Vikky Turner
Vikky und Neil Turner: Toby und Sox
Toby hat Autismus – sein Hund Sox veränderte sein Leben Kate und Neil Turner hatten sich immer vier Kinder gewünscht. Und sie machten ihren Traum wahr. Doch bald mussten sie feststellen, dass ihr vie …
Neil Turner & Vikky Turner: Toby and Sox
I just feel better now Sox is here. Before, I felt like I wanted to die. I couldn’t even go to parties. Then Sox came along. It feels like our hearts are connected I love him so much. Toby When Toby …