Vladimir Herdt is working as Research Assistant in the Group of Computer Architecture at the University of Bremen, where he is pursuing his Ph D degree.
3 Ebooks by Vladimir Herdt
Vladimir Herdt: Complete Symbolic Simulation of SystemC Models
In his master thesis, Vladimir Herdt presents a novel approach, called complete symbolic simulation, for a more efficient verification of much larger (non-terminating) System C programs. The approach …
Vladimir Herdt & Daniel Große: Enhanced Virtual Prototyping
This book presents a comprehensive set of techniques that enhance all key aspects of a modern Virtual Prototype (VP)-based design flow. The authors emphasize automated formal verification methods, as …
Vladimir Herdt & Daniel Große: Verbessertes virtuelles Prototyping
Dieses Buch stellt eine umfassende Reihe von Techniken vor, die alle wichtigen Aspekte eines modernen Virtual Prototype (VP)-basierten Entwurfsablaufs verbessern. Die Autoren legen den Schwerpunkt au …