Pengarang: Wendy E. Hudson

J. Michael Scott is Professor at the Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources at the University of Idaho and a Research Scientist at the U.S. Geological Survey. Scott is a leader of the Idaho Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit. His research interests are focused on distribution abundance and limiting factors of Hawaiian Birds, limiting factors on Endangered Species, reserve identification, selection, and design in North America, use of translocation as a tool for establishing or augmenting animal populations, predicting wildlife species distribution issues of scale and accuracy, and estimating bird abundance. Scott is widely published on these and other related topics.

1 Ebooks by Wendy E. Hudson

Defenders of Wildlife Lisa Defenders of Wildlife: Landscape Linkages and Biodiversity
In Landscape Linkages and Biodiversity experts explain biological diversity conservation, focusing on the need for protecting large areas of the most diverse ecosystems, and connecting those …