William and Lynette live in the Phoenix area with their two daughters. Both are graduates of
Grand Canyon University (William with an English degree, Lynette with a Business
Administration degree). William is a full-time minister and spare-time writer. He holds the
Master of Divinity from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. He is also the author of Knowing God through Prayer-the Plan Jesus Gave, and is the founder of illustrationsforsermons.com, a website for ministers.
2 Ebooks by William Ray
William Ray: The 100 Most Entertaining Predictions About the 21St Century
The 100 Most Entertaining Predictions About the 21st Century is a fun look at the predictions wacky and wise that have been made about our new century and millennium. The turning of the 21st century …
William Ray: Horrors of Slavery
Barbary pirates in Africa targeted sailors for centuries, often taking slaves and demanding ransom in exchange. First published in 1808, Horrors of Slavery is the tale of one such sailor, captured du …