Scientific Essay from the year 1997 in the subject German Studies – Genres, Kyoto Sangyo University (Japanese Society for Germanistics), course: Yearly Congress of the japanese german organization, Tokio, 11.5.1996, language: English, abstract: We see that in interactive literature, the danger lies less in interactivity as such, but rather in the simultaneity of heterogeneous input it allows. As “strata-poetics” has taught us our reading experience is always an intensely interactive one. We contribute more to it than we aware of. More precisely: the characteristic experience of literature (especially of poesy) is not possible without intense interactivity between author and reader. It is the simultaneity of various heterogeneous and often contradictory reader-contributions, not inspired by the work itself but by the willfulness of the “readers”, which cast the “Internet Story” in doubt as a valid literary genre.
Mengenai Pengarang
Wolfgang Victor Ruttkowski, Jahrgang 1935, war nach einem Studium der Germanistik, Geschichte, Theaterwissenschaft, Psychologie und Sprechkunde viele Jahre als Professor in Canada, den USA und Japan tätig. Seit 2003 lebt er emeritiert in Kyoto. Seine Forschungsschwerpunkte liegen in der Ästhetik, Literaturtheorie und -didaktik, Gattungspoetik, Psychologie und Kunstpsychologie. In diesen Gebieten veröffentlichte Ruttkowski zahlreiche Bücher und Essays.