This book is a superbly illustrated guide to the diagnosis and treatment of congenital vascular malformations (CVMs) that will enable the reader to avoid the serious pitfalls that may arise when caring for patients with this rare and complex group of lesions. After discussion of pathogenesis, classification, and differential diagnosis from vascular tumors, the clinical features of CVMs are described and illustrated, covering both the various forms (venous, arteriovenous, lymphatic, capillary, and mixed) and presentations at different anatomic sites. The current role of CT, MRI, scintigraphy, and angiography in diagnostic evaluation is explained, and treatment options, including conservative treatment, are then considered in detail. The discussion of endovascular treatment, or embolo-sclerotherapy, includes instruction on patient selection, embolic and sclerosing materials, access to the target lesion, site-specific variations in treatment strategy, and complications and their management. Indications for and performance of surgical/excisional therapy and laser therapy are also fully considered.
Jadual kandungan
1. Human Vascular embryology.- 2. Pathogenesis of CVM.- Angiogenesis.- Genetic Aspect.- Epidemiologic aspect.- Provoking factors for anaggravation of CVM.- 3. Classification and Definition/nomenclature of the CVM.- Overview.- ISSVA Classification.- Hamburg Classification.- Arteriographic Classification of AVM.- 4. Clinical features and evaluation of CVM.- Overview.- Differential diagnosis from the Hemangioma.- Venous malformation (VM)- Extratruncular.- Venous malformation (VM)-Truncular.- Mixed form CVM.- Arterio-venous malformation (AVM).- Lymphatic malformation (LM)- Extra-truncular.- Lymphatic malformation (LM)- Truncular.- Capillary malformation (CM).- 5. New Imaging Modalities for contemporary diagnosis of CVM.- Overview.- MRI & MR Angiography.- Role of Duplex Ultrasonography.- Role of CT & CT angiogram.- Role of Catheter arteriography.- Role of radionuclide scintigraphy.- Indocyanine green lymphangiography.- MR lymphangiography.- Microscopic Lymphangiography.- 6. Treatment of CVM.- Overview.- Endovascular treatment of CVM lesions.- Endovascular treatment of VM.- Management of deep venousaplasia(hypoplasia) or lateral marginal vein.- Endovascular treatment of AVM.- Head & Neck.- Trunk & Extremity.- Endovascular Treatment of lymphatic malformation(LM) / lymphangioma.- Complications of endovascular treatment of CVM lesions.- Surgical treatment of CVM lesions.- Surgical Option for low flow CVM.- Surgical Option for high flow CVM.- Combined surgical and endovascularapproaches.- Surgical treatment of lymphedema.- Laser therapy of CVM.- Conservative/Medical treatment.- Complex Decongestive Physiotherapy(CDP) of primary lymphedema.- 7. Special Issue in the CVM management.- Multidisciplinary team approach to CVM.- Experiences in SMC.- Experiences in Washington DC.- Vascular bone syndrome-Limb lengthdiscrepancy.- Biological approaches to the aggressive CVM lesion.- Treatment strategy of visceral AVM.- Chyloreflux(lymphatic reflux).- Neonatal and Infant CVMs.- Treatment of CVM in pediatric patients.- 8. Epilogue.
Mengenai Pengarang
Young-Wook Kim MD Ph D, professor in Surgery, Sungkyunkwan University School of Medicine, Vascular Surgery, Samsung Medical Center Byung-Bong Lee MD Ph D, professor in Surgery, George Washington University, George Washington University Medical Center Wyane F. Yakes MD, Director at Vascular Malformation Center Young-Soo Do MD Ph D, professor in Radiology, Sungkyunkwan University School of Medicine, Interventional Radiology, Samsung Medical Center