Pengarang: Yu Cheng

XIAOHUA TIAN received his B.E. and M.E. degrees in communication engineering from Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi’an, China, in 2003 and 2006, respectively. He received his Ph.D. degree in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE), Illinois Institute of Technology (IIT), Chicago, in Dec. 2010. He is currently a research associate in the Department of Electronic Engineering at Shanghai Jiaotong University, China. He won the Highest Standards of Academic Achievement 2011 of IIT, Fieldhouse Research Fellowship 2009 of IIT, which is awarded to only one student at IIT each year, and the IEEE EFSOI 2010 Student Travel Grant Award. His research interests include application-oriented networking, Internet of Things and wireless networks. He serves as the publicity co-chair of the 7th International Conference on Wireless Algorithms, Systems and Applications (WASA 2012). He also serves as the Technical Program Committee member for Communications Qo S, Reliability, and Modeling Symposium (CQRM) of GLOBECOM 2011, Wireless Networking of GLOBECOM 2013 and WASA 2011.Tian is currently a research associate in Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China YU CHENG has been with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, Illinois, USA, as an Assistant Professor, since 2006.

7 Ebooks by Yu Cheng

Xiaohua Tian & Yu Cheng: Scalable Multicasting over Next-Generation Internet
Next-generation Internet providers face high expectations, as contemporary users worldwide expect high-quality multimedia functionality in a landscape of ever-expanding network applications. This vol …
Jin Tang & Yu Cheng: Intrusion Detection for IP-Based Multimedia Communications over Wireless Networks
IP-based multimedia communications have become increasingly popular in recent years. With the increasing coverage of the IEEE 802:11™ based wireless networks, IP-based multimedia communications over …
Yu Cheng & Lilei Song: The Belt & Road Initiative in the Global Arena
This book is among the first to systematically analyze and discuss the Chinese government’s“One Belt, One Road” initiative to promote infrastructure investment and economic development, bringing toge …
Jianping Yuan & Yu Cheng: Low Energy Flight: Orbital Dynamics and Mission Trajectory Design
The book focuses on the orbital dynamics and mission trajectory (transfer or target trajectory) design of low-energy flight in the context of modern astrodynamics. It investigates various topics that …
This two-part multivolume set provides a comprehensive overview of current achievements in biomedical applications of nanotechnology, including stem cell based regenerative medicine, medical imaging, …
Yu Cheng & Do Young Eun: Wireless Algorithms, Systems, and Applications
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 6th Annual International Conference on Wireless Algorithms, Systems, and Applications, WASA 2011, held in Chengdu, China, in August 2011. The 26 …
Yiping Li & Lixiao Ni: Paths to Clean Water Under Rapid Changing Environment in China
This book mainly provides the current status of water pollution faced by China under rapid changing environment and the actions that have been taken for prevention and treatment of water pollution. I …