The Rustlers Of Pecos County is a fictional story written by Zane Grey. The narrative begins with a Texas Ranger and a US Deputy Marshal who is battling a rustler gang while falling in love in west Texas. Then, in south Texas' Pecos County, the town of Linrock has been taken over by a band of rustlers. Now, the story takes you to a part of these two rangers who have been sent to a rustler gang's town to enforce law and order—one working covertly as a wild cowboy, the other operati...
The Rustlers Of Pecos County is a fictional story written by Zane Grey. The narrative begins with a Texas Ranger and a US Deputy Marshal who is battling a rustler gang while falling in love in west Texas. Then, in south Texas' Pecos County, the town of Linrock has been taken over by a band of rustlers. Now, the story takes you to a part of these two rangers who have been sent to a rustler gang's town to enforce law and order—one working covertly as a wild cowboy, the other operating openly and incurring the ire of outlaws. Then, they run the danger of losing the woman's love in order to do it. These women are the rustler chief's niece and daughter, of who they are unaware. There doesn't seem to be a decent choice for these two committed lawmen. Now, the story has two puppies trailing the skirts with sorrowful eyes! The two women are at the center of half of the narrative. The narrative went on to explain that Steel and Russ were there to dismantle the rustler's group. Would the Rangers get their ladies and the women would get their heroes? To read this aimful fictional story you can read the book!