Pengarang: Zhong Li

Changjun Jiang is a Professor and the current Vice President of Tongji University. He is also Chief Scientist of the National Program on the Key Basic Research Project of China (973 Program), Director of the Key Laboratory of Embedded System and Service Computing, Ministry of Education, and Director of Shanghai Electronic Transactions and the Information Service Collaborative Innovation Center. He won the second prize for National Science and Technology Progress in 2013 and 2016, and the second prize for National Technology Invention in 2010. His current research interests are in network concurrent theory, network risk prevention and control, network computing environments, and network information services. Zhong Li is an Associate Professor at Donghua University. She received her Ph.D. degree from Tongji University, Shanghai, China, in 2015, and has since presided over the National Natural Science Foundation of China (General Program), Shanghai Rising-Star Program. She has published more than 20 papers in journals such as IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems. Her main research interests are in the internet of vehicles, mobile computing, and network security. 

10 Ebooks by Zhong Li

Victor R Preedy: Isoflavones
Isoflavones remain the subject of many scientific studies most of which reveal them to have some health benefits. Coverage within this book begins with an overview of phytoestrogens in health and pla …
Kyandoghere Kyamakya & Wolfgang Mathis: Recent Advances in Nonlinear Dynamics and Synchronization
This book focuses on modelling and simulation, control and optimization, signal processing, and forecasting in selected nonlinear dynamical systems, presenting both literature reviews and novel conce …
Guidong Zhang & Bo Zhang: Designing Impedance Networks Converters
Research and application of impedance network converters are very popular in recent years, but it still lacks of understanding of and guidelines of impedance networks application, therefore, there is …
Joji Kajiwara & Zhong Li: Finite or Infinite Dimensional Complex Analysis
This volume presents the proceedings of the Seventh International Colloquium on Finite or Infinite Dimensional Complex Analysis held in Fukuoka, Japan. The contributions offer multiple perspectives a …
Joji Kajiwara & Zhong Li: Finite or Infinite Dimensional Complex Analysis
This volume presents the proceedings of the Seventh International Colloquium on Finite or Infinite Dimensional Complex Analysis held in Fukuoka, Japan. The contributions offer multiple perspectives a …
Guanrong Chen & Zhong Li: Integration of Fuzzy Logic and Chaos Theory
The 1960s were perhaps a decade of confusion, when scientists faced d- culties in dealing with imprecise information and complex dynamics. A new set theory and then an in?nite-valued logic of Lot? A. …
Zhong Li: Fuzzy Chaotic Systems
Bringing together the two seemingly unrelated concepts, fuzzy logic andchaos theory, isprimarilymotivatedbytheconceptofsoft computing (SC), initiated by Lot? A. Zadeh, the founder of fuzzy set theory …
Jean Chamberlain Chedjou & Kyandoghere Kyamakya: Recent Advances in Nonlinear Dynamics and Synchronization
In essence, the dynamics of real world systems (i.e. engineered systems, natural systems, social systesms, etc.) is nonlinear. The analysis of this nonlinear character is generally performed through …
Jean Chamberlain Chedjou & Wolfgang A. Halang: Selected Topics in Nonlinear Dynamics and Theoretical Electrical Engineering
This book contains a collection of recent advanced contributions in the field of nonlinear dynamics and synchronization, including selected applications in the area of theoretical electrical engineer …
Changjun Jiang & Zhong Li: Mobile Information Service for Networks
This book introduces readers to mobile information services for networks. The content is divided into eight chapters, each of which presents a specific concept and the latest related developments in …