Looking for a more fulfilling writing experience? Feeling resistant to the idea of planning every aspect of your book before even starting to write? Finding it hard to organize your ideas coherently without losing all the juice of your intuitive, creative nature?
Say goodbye to rigid outlines and hello to an approach to book structuring that lets your innate creativity flourish! Find joy and excitement in the process of structuring your book, rather than feeling overwhelmed and constrained. This book will help you see how to use more of your innate intelligences to gather glimmers of inspiration and easily evolve a Table of Contents (TOC) that reflects you and your own creative ways.
Imagine the joy of writing a book from the bottom up, allowing your ideas to flou effortlessly onto the page in whatever order they come, then translating them into a TOC that reveals the bigger picture. This organic, interactive process frees you from externally imposed constraints, letting your aliveness and internal interest guide you to the next step, and the next, and the next.
A transformative tool for both first-time and experienced writers seeking a natural, intuitive way to bring their book to life, An Organic Approach to Structuring Your Book helps you dive deeper into the writing process in the ways that fit best for you.
Many ‘Aha!’ moments will be sparked in you by this book’s unique and compassionate mapping of the territory. And what you discover about yourself through the ‘Reflections’ in the included workbook will help you find your own way through the structuring (and writing) of your book.
With An Organic Approach to Structuring Your Book, you get to benefit from the expertise and guidance of Naomi Rose, a renowned author and book midwife who understands the intricacies of the writing process, and how freeing it is to trust finding your own way.
With delightful illustrations by the author.
Table of Content
Chapter One: A Book (Idea) Is Born!
We Are Conditioned to Think in Terms of Outlines / Reflection 1: Your Experience with Outlines
Who Outlines Do and Don’t Work For / Reflection 2: Are You More Top-Down, Bottom-Up, or Somewhere in Between?
Chapter Two: How Evolving a Table of Contents Differs from Starting with an Outline
A Different, More Receptive Model: A Castle in the Air / A Statue Made of Clay, Not Stone / Reflection 3: Re-Trace Your Path of Inspiration
The Benefits of Evolving a Table of Contents / Reflection 4: What ‘More’ of You Hasn’t Yet Been Invited into Your Writing?
Chapter Three: How to Evolve a Table of Contents
The Intelligence(s) Inside You
Heart Intelligence: Rhythm and Heartbeat / Reflection 5: Accessing Your Heart’s Wisdom through Its Rhythm
Body Intelligence: Listening for What’s Here / Reflection 6: Enlist Your Body to Help Evolve Your TOC
Subconscious Intelligence: Steeping and Sleeping / Reflection 7: Steeping / Reflection 8: Incubating a Response During Sleep
Spiritual Intelligence: Meditating and Praying / Reflection 9: Meditating on Your TOC /Reflection 10: Praying About What Belongs in Your Book
Integrative Intelligence: Glimmer-Gathering / Reflection 11: Integrating Your Glimmers into a More Whole Picture
And Let’s Not Forget About Cognitive Intelligence – It Has a Role to Fulfill, Too / Reflection 12: Giving the Cognitive Mind Its Right Place in Structuring Your Book
Chapter Four: An Illustration of the Process: Writing Down Your Glimmerings and Seeing the Pattern They Start to Form
An Illustration of the Process
(1) Writing Down What Comes
(2) Putting the Pieces Together: Looking for the Relationship
(3) How These Themes Might Interrelate
(4) An illustrated evolution of the Table of Contents
A Look Back at the TOC Process So Far
A ‘Cheat Sheet’ on the Basic Steps
Reflection 13: Clarifying What You Have Learned
Appendix: A Fuller Picture of How My TOC Illustration Evolved
Next Steps
About the Author