Author: Natalia Vlas

Vasile Boari is Professor at the Faculty of Political, Administrative and Communication Sciences of Babes-Bolyai University in Cluj and Director of the Centre for Political Analysis and of the Institute for Global Studies of Babes-Bolyai University. He is the author of Dialectica raportului conştiinţa morală-constiinţa politică (The Dialectic of the Relation Moral Conscience-Political Conscience, 1987), Filosofia şi condiţia morală a cetăţii (Philosophy and the Moral Condition of the City, 1991), Noua Europă în căutarea identităţii (The New Europe in Search of its Identity, 2009), and Filosofie şi Politică (Philosophy and Politics, 2009).Natalia Vlas is a Researcher at the Centre for Political Analysis of Babeș-Bolyai University. She received her PhD in International Relations and European Studies in 2008. She is the author of Religia și globalizarea la începutul secolului XXI (Religion and Globalization at the Beginning of the 21st Century, 2008) and has co-edited several collective volumes, such as Studii Politice, Volume 2 (2007), Cine sunt romanii? Perspective asupra identitatii nationale (2009), Romania dupa douazeci de ani, Volumes 1 and 2 (2010, 2011), Intelectualii si puterea (2011), and Twenty years After: A Romanian Story (forthcoming). Her main research interests include ethics, political theology, religion in international relations, and globalization.

1 Ebooks by Natalia Vlas

Natalia Vlas: Religion and Politics in the 21st Century
Religion and Politics in the 21st Century is composed of a number of articles that were presented during the 2012 international conference on "Religion and Politics in the Globalization Era&quot …