Ndangwa Noyoo, Ph D, is an Associate Professor and the Head of the Department of Social Development at the University of Cape Town (UCT), South Africa. Previously, he worked for the University of Johannesburg as an Associate Professor in the Department of Social Work and before that, for the South African Government, as a Senior Social Policy Specialist/Chief Director in the National Department of Social Development (DSD). Prior to this, Dr. Noyoo was a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Social Work at the University of the Witwatersrand. He has published widely in the areas of social policy, social development and related fields, in the context of Africa and Southern Africa, in particular. Ndangwa Noyoo has also presented papers at various symposia in Africa and abroad. He holds a Doctor of Philosophy (Ph D) from the University of the Witwatersrand, a Master of Philosophy (M.Phil.) in Development Studies from Cambridge University and a Bachelor of Social Work (BSW) from the University of Zambia (UNZA). He was a Post-Doctoral Fellow at the Fondation Maison des Sciences de l’Homme, Paris, France, from 2005 to 2006.
11 Ebooks by Ndangwa Noyoo
Benjamin Bunk & Annika Dittmann: Routledge Handbook of Postcolonial Social Work
The Routledge Handbook of Postcolonial Social Work reflects on and dissects the challenging issues confronting social work practice and education globally in the post-colonial era. By analysing how c …
Benjamin Bunk & Annika Dittmann: Routledge Handbook of Postcolonial Social Work
The Routledge Handbook of Postcolonial Social Work reflects on and dissects the challenging issues confronting social work practice and education globally in the post-colonial era. By analysing how c …
This book discusses social welfare activities in Zambia in the pre-colonial, colonial and post-colonial periods. It explains how indigenous social welfare initiatives in colonial Zambia, culminated i …
Ndangwa Noyoo: Social Policy and Human Development in Zambia
Social Policy And Human Development In Zambia discusses social policy and human development endeavours in Zambia, including the various societal forces that converged on the country in both the pre-c …
Ndangwa Noyoo: Indigenous Social Security Systems in Southern and West Africa
Augustinus was een van die grootste teoloe wat ooit geleef het.Sy lewe en geskrifte het die Westerse kerk-, teologie- en kultuurgekiedenis na hom radikaal beinvloed. In hierdie boek ondersoek die out …
Ndangwa (University of Cape Town, South Africa) Noyoo: Social Policy in Post-Apartheid South Africa
This book critically examines the current social policy in post-apartheid South Africa and proposes an alternative social policy agenda to create a new development pathway for the country. Taking soc …
Ndangwa (University of Cape Town, South Africa) Noyoo: Social Policy in Post-Apartheid South Africa
This book critically examines the current social policy in post-apartheid South Africa and proposes an alternative social policy agenda to create a new development pathway for the country. Taking soc …
Ndangwa Noyoo: Promoting Healthy Human Relationships in Post-Apartheid South Africa
This is the first book that examines healthy human relationships in post-apartheid South Africa. In contemporary South Africa, human relationships are under considerable threat. Despite the 1994 comm …
Ndangwa Noyoo: Social Welfare and Social Work in Southern Africa
This book is written by Southern African social welfare, social work, social development, social security and social policy academics, practitioners and advocates who have varying degrees of experien …
Maria do Carmo dos Santos Gonçalves & Rebecca Gutwald: The Coronavirus Crisis and Challenges to Social Development
This book is a novel contribution to academic discourses on the coronavirus (COVID-19) crisis and how it has impacted societies globally. It proffers an overview on the social development and politic …