Approaching personality disorders with evidence-based treatment plans
The Personality Disorders Treatment Planner, 2nd Edition is fully updated to meet the changing needs of the mental healthcare field. A time-saver for psychologists, counselors, social workers, psychiatrists, and other mental health professionals, this new edition offers the tools you need to develop formal treatment plans that meet the demands of HMOs, managed care companies, third-party payors, and state and federal agencies. Organized around twenty-six presenting problems, the easy-to-use format and over 1, 000 prewritten symptom descriptions, treatment goals, objectives, and interventions makes the task of developing an evidence-based treatment plan more efficient than ever. The treatment of mental health disorders is rapidly evolving, and new evidence-based protocols are being adopted by federal and state organizations. You are now required to closely monitor patient progress, and you may feel pressure to stick to standardized care and reporting procedures; however, you can only do so if you have access to the latest in evidence-based treatment plans.
* Updated with new and revised evidence-based Objectives and Interventions
* Integrated DSM-5 diagnostic labels and ICD-10 codes into the Diagnostic Suggestions section of each chapter
* Many more suggested homework assignments integrated into the Interventions
* An Appendix demonstrates the use of the personality disorders Proposed Dimensional System of DSM-5.
* Expanded and updated self-help book list in the Bibliotherapy Appendix
* Revised, expanded and updated Professional Reference Appendix
* New Recovery Model Appendix D listing Objectives and Interventions allowing the integration of a recovery model orientation into treatment plans
Table of Content
Foreword xi
Acknowledgments xiii
Introduction 1
Sample Treatment Plan 18
Aggressive/Sadistic 22
Antisocial* 35
Antisocial–Malevolent 48
Avoidant* 59
Avoidant–Conflicted 70
Avoidant–Hypersensitive 81
Borderline* 92
Borderline–Petulant 107
Borderline–Self-Destructive 121
Dependent* 135
Dependent–Selfless 148
Depressive* 160
Histrionic* 173
Histrionic–Disingenuous 185
Intropunitive/Guilty 197
Narcissistic* 212
Narcissistic–Compensatory 225
Narcissistic–Unprincipled 237
Obsessive-Compulsive* 249
Obsessive-Compulsive–Bedeviled 261
Paranoid* 273
Paranoid–Fanatic 286
Paranoid–Malignant 297
Passive-Aggressive (Negativistic)* 308
Schizoid* 320
Schizotypal* 331
Appendix A Proposed Dimensions for Personality Disorders Applied to Presenting Problem Behavioral Definitions (Symptoms) for Selected Chapters 343
Appendix B Bibliotherapy/Self-Help References 365
Appendix C Professional References 370
Appendix D Recovery Model Objectives and Interventions 374
About the author
NEIL R. BOCKIAN, Ph D, is a Professor at Adler University in Chicago. He studied personality disorders with
Dr. Theodore Millon and mindfulness meditation with Jon Kabat-Zinn. He is the lead author of two other books on personality disorders and has extensive experience treating individuals with personality disorders and individuals with medical conditions such as spinal cord injuries and chronic pain. He utilizes individual, couples, and group therapy, as well as hypnosis, relaxation training, neurofeedback, and mindfulness meditation in his practice.
JULIA C. SMITH, Psy.D, is a Staff Psychologist for the Department of Veterans Affairs, an Assistant Professor in the Department of Psychiatry at University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, and the Assistant Training Director for psychology training programs offered through the VA North Texas Health Care System. She specializes in the treatment of PTSD and co-occurring substance use disorders.
ARTHUR E. JONGSMA, Jr., Ph D, is the Series Editor for the bestselling Wiley Practice Planners®. Since 1971, he has provided professional mental health services to both inpatient and outpatient clients. He was the founder and director of Psychological Consultants, a group private practice in Grand Rapids, Michigan for 25 years. He is the author or coauthor of over 50 books and conducts training workshops for mental health professionals around the world.