This edited volume offers the first extended, cross-disciplinary exploration of the cumulative problems and increasing importance of various forms of media in the Middle East. Leading scholars with expertise in Middle Eastern studies discuss their views and perceptions of the media’s influence on regional and global change. Focusing on aspects of economy, digital news, online businesses, gender-related issues, social media, and film, the contributors of this volume detail media’s role in political movements throughout the Middle East. The volume illustrates how the increase in Internet connections and mobile applications have resulted in an emergence of indispensable tools for information acquisition, dissemination, and activism.
Table of Content
1. Revisiting Cyberactivism Six Years after the Arab Spring: Potentials, Limitations and Future Prospects.- 2. Constructing an Alternative Public Sphere: Social Media & Their Cultural Meaning in Iran.- 3. You’ve Come a Long Way Baby: Personal/Political Empowerment in Kuwaiti/Arab Women’s New Media Practices.- 4. Location & Media Production in the Middle East: A Case Study of Media Cities.- 5. How to Prevent a Mobilization: Assad & the Electronic War.- 6. Spectacles of Terror: Media and the Cultural Production of Terrorism.- 7. Winning Hearts and Minds through Soft Power: The Case of Turkish Soap Operas in the Middle East.- 8. Locating Emirati Filmmaking within Globalizing Media Ecologies.- 9. Protest Poetry On- and Offline: Trans-Regional Interactions in the Arabian Gulf: An Example from Bahrain.- 10. Arabic in a Time of Revolution: Sociolinguistic Notes from Egypt.
About the author
Nele Lenze is Senior Research Fellow and Editor at the Middle East Institute, National University of Singapore.
Charlotte Schriwer is Senior Research Fellow at the Middle East Institute, National University of Singapore.
Zubaidah Abdul Jalil is Publications Executive at the Middle East Institute, National University of Singapore.