SIR THOMAS MORE was a rising intellectual star of Renaissance Europe. His brilliance made him an advisor and friend of King Henry VIII. More”s Utopia contrasts the squalor and brutal politics of the England of his time with a picture of a peaceful and prosperous society.
NIALL KISHTAINY is a writer with interests in economics and in the history of ideas. He holds a Ph D in economics from the University of Warwick and has taught economic history at the London School of Economics. His most recent book, A Little History of Economics, was published by Yale University Press in 2017.
TOM BUTLER-BOWDEN is Series Editor of the Capstone Classics series, and has provided introductions for Plato”s Republic, Adam Smith”s Wealth of Nations, Machiavelli”s The Prince, Florence Scovel Shinn”s The Game of Life and How to Play It, and Kahlil Gibran”s The Prophet. A graduate of the London School of Economics, he is also the author of 50 Economics Classics (2017) and 50 Politics Classics (2015).
9 Ebooks by Niall Kishtainy
Kishtainy Niall Kishtainy: Little History of Economics
A lively, inviting account of the history of economics, told through events from ancient to modern times and through the ideas of great thinkers in the field“A whistle-stop introduction to the …
Niall Kishtainy: Economics in Minutes
Economics in Minutes condenses key economics concepts into 200 short and easily digested essays. Featuring not only fundamental ideas, such as the role of money and how the stock market works, but al …
Thomas More: Utopia
What we can learn from a Renaissance nowhere In 1516, a book was published in Latin with the enigmatic Greek-derived word as its title. Utopia–which could mean either ‘good-place’ or ‘no-place’–giv …
Thomas More: Utopia
What we can learn from a Renaissance nowhere In 1516, a book was published in Latin with the enigmatic Greek-derived word as its title. Utopia–which could mean either ‘good-place’ or ‘no-place’–giv …
Niall Kishtainy: Breve historia de la Economía
¿Cuáles son las causas de la pobreza? ¿Son inevitables las crisis cíclicas en una economía de mercado? ¿Es beneficiosa la intervención del Estado en la economía o, por el contrario, es fuente de prob …
George Abbot & John Farndon: Big Ideas. Das Wirtschafts-Buch
So funktioniert Wirtschaft Was ist ein gerechter Preis? Warum kosten Diamanten mehr als Wasser? Können wir arme Länder anschieben, indem wir ihnen die Schulden erlassen? Weshalb spiegelt der Immobili …
Rod Dacombe & John Farndon: Big Ideas. Das Politik-Buch
Welche Aufgaben und Rechte hat ein Staat? Ist die Demokratie die beste Herrschaftsform? Wann ist ein Krieg gerechtfertigt? Dieses Buch erklärt über 100 einflussreiche politische Ideen und Konzepte – …
Niall Kishtainy: Uma breve história da economia
Neste livro fascinante, muito longe de ser acadêmico e também isento de termos técnicos, o economista e professor Niall Kishtainy apresenta em capítulos curtos ordenados cronologicamente como se deu …
Niall Kishtainy: Infinite City
‘Glorious’ Guardian’Vigorous, rigorous and eminently readable’ SPECTATORIn his soaring new book, Niall Kishtainy draws us into the imaginative worlds of Thomas More, the Diggers, William Morris and E …