Author: Nick Midgley

Mick Cooper is Professor of Counselling Psychology at the University of Roehampton, where he is Director of the Centre for Research in Social and Psychological Transformation (CREST). Mick is a chartered psychologist, a UKCP registered psychotherapist, and a Fellow of the BACP. Mick is author and editor of a range of texts on person-centred, existential and relational approaches to therapy; including Working at Relational Depth in Counselling and Psychotherapy (2005, SAGE, with Dave Mearns), Pluralistic Counselling and Psychotherapy 2011, SAGE, with John Mc Leod) and Existential Therapies (2nd edn, 2017, SAGE). Mick has led a series of research studies exploring the processes and outcomes of humanistic counsel­ling with young people. Mick is the father of four children and lives in Brighton on the south coast of England.

16 Ebooks by Nick Midgley

Nick Midgley & Jacqueline Hayes Hayes: Essential Research Findings in Child and Adolescent Counselling and Psychotherapy
What can child and adolescent counsellors and therapists learn from research? What evidence is there for the effectiveness of different therapies and techniques? How can developmental or neuroscience …
Manfred Endres & Catharina Salamander: Latenz: Entwicklung und Behandlung
In der Latenz offenbaren sich Probleme und Konflikte aus vorausgegangenen Entwicklungsschritten, die nun psychotherapeutisch bearbeitet werden müssen. Sieglinde Eva Tömmel: Psychoanalyse des …
Jan Anderson & Eve Grainger: Child Psychotherapy and Research
Child Psychotherapy and Research brings together some of the most exciting and innovative research activity taking place within psychoanalytic child psychotherapy today. Drawing on the expertise of …
Jan (North Essex Partnership NHS Foundation Trust, UK) Anderson & Eve (North-East London NHS Foundation Trust, UK) Grainger: Child Psychotherapy and Research
Child Psychotherapy and Research brings together some of the most exciting and innovative research activity taking place within psychoanalytic child psychotherapy today. Drawing on the expertise …
Jan (North Essex Partnership NHS Foundation Trust, UK) Anderson & Eve (North-East London NHS Foundation Trust, UK) Grainger: Child Psychotherapy and Research
Child Psychotherapy and Research brings together some of the most exciting and innovative research activity taking place within psychoanalytic child psychotherapy today. Drawing on the expertise …
Nick (Anna Freud Centre, London, UK) Midgley: Reading Anna Freud
What place do Anna Freud’s ideas have in the history of psychoanalysis? What can her writings teach us today about how to work therapeutically with children? Are her psychoanalytic ideas st …
Nick (Anna Freud Centre, London, UK) Midgley: Reading Anna Freud
What place do Anna Freud’s ideas have in the history of psychoanalysis? What can her writings teach us today about how to work therapeutically with children? Are her psychoanalytic ideas st …
Nick (Anna Freud Centre, London, UK) Midgley & Ioanna (trainee clinical psychologist at University College London, UK) Vrouva: Minding the Child
What is ”mentalization”? How can this concept be applied to clinical work with children, young people and families? What will help therapists working with children and families to ”keep the m …
Nick (Anna Freud Centre, London, UK) Midgley & Ioanna (trainee clinical psychologist at University College London, UK) Vrouva: Minding the Child
What is ”mentalization”? How can this concept be applied to clinical work with children, young people and families? What will help therapists working with children and families to ”keep the m …
Mick Cooper & Jacqueline Hayes: Essential Research Findings in Child and Adolescent Counselling and Psychotherapy
What can child and adolescent counsellors and therapists learn from research? What evidence is there for the effectiveness of different therapies and techniques? How can developmental or neuroscience …
Peter Fonagy & Patrick Luyten: Therapeutic Work for Children with Complex Trauma
Therapeutic Work for Children with Complex Trauma offers a contemporary three-track psychodynamic treatment model to mental health professionals working with traumatised children and their caregivers …
Peter Fonagy & Patrick Luyten: Therapeutic Work for Children with Complex Trauma
Therapeutic Work for Children with Complex Trauma offers a contemporary three-track psychodynamic treatment model to mental health professionals working with traumatised children and their …
Salomon Maimon: Essay on Transcendental Philosophy
Essay on Transcendental Philosophy presents the first English translation of Salomon Maimon”s principal work, originally published in Berlin in 1790. In this book, Maimon seeks to further the …
Jocelyn Catty & Simon Cregeen: Short-term Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy for Adolescents with Depression
Short-term Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy (STPP) is a manualised, time-limited model of psychoanalytic psychotherapy comprising twenty-eight weekly sessions for the adolescent patient and seven session …
Jocelyn Catty & Simon Cregeen: Short-term Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy for Adolescents with Depression
Short-term Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy (STPP) is a manualised, time-limited model of psychoanalytic psychotherapy comprising twenty-eight weekly sessions for the adolescent patient and seven session …