With contributions from international experts this book provides a broad discussion of cultural tourism as a concept and the way it is implemented in diverse regions around the world. Addressing the notion of cultural tourism and what it means to tourism as an industry, and also types of cultural tourism offered to tourists and experienced by them. Many international case studies will be included on specific instances of cultural tourism, and current topics such as cultural tourism’s relationship to sustainability are discussed.
About the author
Dr Razaq Raj is Principal Lecturer in the Leeds Business School. His research interests include community events, outdoor events, economic impacts, religious tourism, cultural festivals and sustainable tourism, cultural diversity in events management and international tourism.
Dr Razaq Raj is the author of the textbooks Religious Tourism and Pilgrimage Management: An International Perspective, Event Management: An integrated and practical approach and Event Management and Sustainability.
Dr Razaq Raj is also a board member of international journals and academic associations.
Editor of International Journal of Religious Tourism and Pilgrimage
Editor of International Journal of Islands Research
Editor of International Journal of Islamic Tourism
Series Editor, CABI Religious Tourism and Pilgrimage Book Series