Rooted in Gricean tradition, this book concentrates on game- and decision-theoretic (GDT) approaches to the foundations of pragmatics. An Introduction to GDT, with an overview of GDT pragmatics research to date and its relation to semantics and to Gricean pragmatics is followed by contributions offering a high-level survey of current GDT pragmatics and the field of its applications, demonstrating that this approach provides a sound basis for synchronic and diachronic explanations of language use.
Introduction; A.Benz, G.Jäger & R.van Rooij Saying and Meaning, Cheap Talk and Credibility; R.Stalnaker Pragmatics and Games of Partial Information; P.Parikh Game Theory and Communication; N.Allott Different Faces of Risky Speech; R.van Rooij & M.Sevenster Pragmatic Reasoning, Defaults and Discourse Structure; N.Asher & M.Williams Utility and Relevance of Answers; A.Benz Game Theoretic Grounding; Jaegher A Game Theoretic Approach to the Pragmatics of Debates: An Expository Note; J.Glazer & A.Rubinstein On the Evolutionary Dynamics of Meaning/Word Associations; T.Lenaerts & Vylder
Over de auteur
NICHOLAS ALLOTT, University College London, UK NICHOLAS ASHER, University of Texas, Austin, USA KRIS DE JAEGHER, Free University of Brussels, Belgium BART DE VYLDER, Free University of Brussels, Belgium JACOB GLAZER, Tel Aviv University, Israel, and Boston University, USA TOM LENAERTS, Free University of Brussels, Belgium PRASHANT PARIKH, University of Pennsylvania at Philadelphia, USA ARIEL RUBINSTEIN, Tel Aviv University, Israel, and New York University, USA MERLIJN SEVENSTER, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands ROBERT STALNAKER, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA MADISON WILLIAMS, University of Texas at Austin, USA