1. Introduction
Henrique Estides Delgado and Aaron Schneider
Future Histories
2. A Usable Past for a Democratic Future: How Looking Backward Ca...
1. Introduction
Henrique Estides Delgado and Aaron Schneider
Future Histories
2. A Usable Past for a Democratic Future: How Looking Backward Can Help Us Navigate the Digital Revolution
Lizzie O’Shea
3. Technological Innovations and Fake News: Democratic Challenges and What Is to Be Done
Rafael R. Ioris
4. Computing Machinery and the Modern Triumvirate: State, Market, and Science
Ivan da Costa Marques
Tech, Capital, and Collectivities
5. Evaluating Work in the Platform Economy: The Fairwork Project in Brazil and Latin America
Claudia Nociolini Rebechi, Marcos Aragão de Oliveira, Tatiana López Ayala, Jonas C. L. Valente, Rafael Grohmann, Julice Salvagni, Roseli Aparecida Figaro Paulino, Rodrigo Carelli, Victória Mendonça da Silva, Ana Flávia Marques da Silva, Camilla Voigt Baptistella, Jackeline Cristina Gameleira Cerqueira da Silva, Helena Rodrigues de Farias, Mark Graham, and Kelle Howson
6. The Role of Fake News in the Erosion of Brazilian Democracy
Tássio Acosta, P. Locatelli, and Sílvio Gallo
7. A Conversation with Julietta Hua and Kasturi Ray: Feminism, AI, and Racial Technocapitalism in the Uber 99 and Lyft Economy
Neda Atanasoski
8. On Coding Democracy, Popular Data-Equity, and Algorithmic Action: Notes from Brazil
Andre Isai Leirner
9. Participatory Institutions, Digital Technologies, and Democratic Crises
Benjamin Goldfrank and Yanina Welp
10. Britain’s Food Crisis: Capital, Class, Technology, and Alternatives
Benjamin Selwyn
Digital States, Democracy, and Development
11. Global Capitalism after the Pandemic
William I. Robinson
12. Building Digital Sovereignty in Middle Powers: The Role of Intended and Spillover Effects
Vashishtha Doshi
13. Digital Economy Policies for Developing Countries
Parminder Jeet Singh
14. The Chinese Digital Revolution: How Digital Transformation Is Shaping a New China
Alessandro Teixeira Golombiewski and Zhenyu Jiang
15. Digital Futures and Global Power: Dynamics, Inequality, and Governance
Marco Cepik and Pedro Txai Leal Brancher
16. Conclusion
Aaron Schneider
List of Contributors