Auteur: Abderrahim Boudenne

Abderrahim Boudenne is an assistant professor at Paris XII University (France). Professor Boudenne received his Ph D from Paris XII University. Until 2006 he held positions in the CERTES Laboratory of Paris XII University and previously he worked in the LPP laboratory at the Tlemcen University (Algeria). His main research interests have included manufacturing of polymers and polymers composite materials and the investigation of the thermophysical behavior of polymers and composite materials, and new methods for the measurement of thermophysical properties and characterization of defects in composites. Laurent Ibos is assistant professor in CERTES, IUT de Créteil Université Paris XII. He received his Ph D at Paul Sabatier University, Toulouse (France). Professor Ibos” present position in the Thermal Science Laboratory of CERTES involves the investigation of the thermophysical behavior of polymer composite materials, development of experimental methods for the measurement of properties of composites and testing of composites. He is also has a position at the Institute of Technology, Paris XII University teaching materials science, vacuum technology and instrumentation. Yves Candau is a professor in CERTES and he is also head of this group. The centre”s research work includes IR thermography, materials and their proprieties, modeling, and aerosols. Sabu Thomas is Professor of Polymer Science and Engineering in the School of Chemical Sciences at Mahatma Gandhi University (India). He received his Ph D from the Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur (India). He has had many postdoctoral and visiting professorships as well as industrial and academic/teaching positions. The research group of Professor Thomas has received 22 national awards for work in polymer science/engineering. His major fields of interest include blends, composites, interpenetrating polymer systems, reuse of plastics and rubbers.

3 Ebooks door Abderrahim Boudenne

Abderrahim Boudenne & Laurent Ibos: Handbook of Multiphase Polymer Systems
Multiphase polymeric systems include a wide range of materials such as composites, blends, alloys, gels, and interpenetrating polymer networks (IPNs). A one-stop reference on multiphase polymer syste …
Abderrahim Boudenne & Laurent Ibos: Handbook of Multiphase Polymer Systems
Multiphase polymeric systems include a wide range of materials such as composites, blends, alloys, gels, and interpenetrating polymer networks (IPNs). A one-stop reference on multiphase polymer syste …
Abderrahim (Universite Paris-Est Creteil, France) Boudenne & Yves (Universite de Bretagne Sud, France) Grohens: Recycling and Reuse of Materials and Their Products
This important book is an overall analysis of different innovative methods and ways of recycling in connection with various types of materials. It aims to provide a basic understanding about polymer …