Este livro é uma travessia repleta de perigos, piratas, uma grande aventura no mar, trazendo-nos reflexões e questio-namentos, ao qual nos perguntamos se seria possível que um criminoso se recupere depois de se afundar completa-mente na escuridão, e, havendo, ele realmente encontraria a paz por seus crimes? Encontraria o perdão em si mesmo? Acharia a felicidade? Ou seria apenas uma ilusão, uma tré-gua para uma noite ainda mais escura?
Over de auteur
Aldivan Torres is a writer consolidated in several genres. So far, the titles have been published in dozens of languages. From an early age, he has always been a lover of the art of writing, having consolidated a professional career from the second half of 2013. He hopes, with his writings, to contribute to international culture, arousing the pleasure of reading in those who do not have the habit. Your mission is to win the hearts of each of your readers. In addition to literature, his main amusements are music, travel, friends, family and the pleasure of life itself. ‘For literature, equality, fraternity, justice, dignity and honor of the human being always’ is his motto.