Social Change: Movements, Politics, and Technology is a groundbreaking exploration of social transformation from a conflict theory perspective, offering a deep dive into the historical and sociological analysis of leaders within contemporary social movements. This text-reader is an essential guide for those seeking to understand the dynamics of social change and the role of social actors in shaping the future.
Chapter One: Primitive Accumulation: Enclosures, Colonial Conquest, and Enslavement
Chapter Two: Indigenous resistance on Turtle Island: Histories of resilience and self-defense
Chapter Three: Slavery and Anti-Slavery
Chapter Four: Industrialization and the Rise of Unions
Chapter Five: Boom and Bust and the New Deal
Chapter Six: Imperialism, Cold War and National Liberation Struggles
Chapter Seven: Empire and Cold War
Chapter Eight: The Black-led freedom struggle
Chapter Nine: ′An old world is dying′: Struggles of the Long 1960s
Chapter Ten: Global Production and Survival Struggles under Neoliberalism
Chapter Eleven: The digital revolution and emerging survival struggles
Over de auteur
Alicia Swords is Associate Professor at Ithaca College. She received her Ph D from Cornell University in Development Sociology. She regularly teaches her department′s Social Change course (SOCI-208) as well as course on Social Movements; Gender, Environment and Global Change; Global Sociology; Research Methods; and a first-year seminar called Stories for a Change. Her research focuses on social movements in the U.S. and Latin America, and she is the co-author of Consuming Mexican Labor: From the Bracero Program to NAFTA (2010, University of Toronto Press).