Dr. Amjad Farooq earned his Bachelor of Science degree in Textile Engineering from the College of Textile, Bahauddin Zakariya University Multan, Pakistan, in 2012. Following his undergraduate studies, he gained valuable industry experience as Senior Officer of Quality Control at Masood Textile Mills in Faisalabad, Pakistan, from 2012 to 2014. In 2017, Dr. Farooq completed his Master of Science degree at the College of Textile Engineering, Donghua University Shanghai, China. His dedication and outstanding performance during his master”s studies earned him the prestigious International Student Award. Continuing his academic journey, he successfully received his Ph.D. degree from the College of Textile, Donghua University Shanghai, in 2022. During his doctoral and master”s studies, Dr. Farooq”s research focused on the utilization of green chemicals for the extraction and application of nanocellulose derived from agricultural waste. In recognition of his exceptional research and academic achievements, Dr. Farooq was honored with the Excellent Ph.D. Graduate award from Donghua University in 2022. He has published seven research articles and has made significant contributions to the field. Currently, Dr. Farooq serves as Postdoctoral Fellow at Anhui Polytechnic University, Anhui, China, where he continues his research on the utilization of nanocellulosic materials obtained from renewable resources.
Dr. Hafeezullah Memon received his B.E. in Textile Engineering from Mehran University of Engineering and Technology, Jamshoro, Pakistan, in 2012. He served at Sapphire Textile Mills as Assistant Spinning Manager for more than one year while earning his master”s in Business administration from the University of Sindh, Pakistan. He completed his master”s in Textile Science and Engineering from Zhejiang Sci-Tech University, China, and a Ph.D. in Textile Engineering from Donghua University in 2016 and 2020. Dr. Memon focuses on fiber-reinforced composites, textiles and management, and biobased materials. Since 2014, Dr. Memon has published more than 60 peer-reviewed technical papers in international journals and conferences, filed more than ten patents, edited more than ten books and special issues, and worked on more than ten industrial projects. Dr. Memon is Fellow of the Textile Institute, Full Professional and Active Member of the Society for the Advancement of Material and Process Engineering, Textile Society of America, American Chemical Society, the Society of Wood Science and Technology, and the International Textile and Apparel Association. Moreover, he is Registered Engineer of the Pakistan Engineering Council. He has served as Reviewer and Editorial Board Member of several international journals and has reviewed more than 600 papers.
Mr. Aamir Farooq received his Bachelor of Science degree in Electrical Engineering from Federal Urdu University of Arts Science & Technology, Pakistan, in 2015. In 2018, he received his Master of Science degree from the College of Electrical Engineering, Shandong University, China. He has researched in Power Electronics and Power Transmission System. At present, Aamir is doctoral degree student in Nanjing University of Science & Technology, Nanjing, China. His research interest is AC-DC converter, buck boost converter, and control strategy of Vienna rectifier. Aamir is actively involved in the research and development of new energy technology and control system engineering. He has published more than 8 papers and some academic works.
Dr. Zongqian Wang earned his Ph.D. in Textile Science and Engineering. In 2018, he was appointed as Visiting Researcher at the University of California, Davis, USA. Following the completion of his doctoral studies, Dr. Wang joined Anhui Polytechnic University, where he has been actively engaged in scientific research focusing on innovative functional materials for textiles. In 2019, he was appointed as Professor and assumed the role of Doctoral Supervisor. Dr. Wang holds several noteworthy positions, including Director of the Anhui Ecological Textile Printing and Dyeing Manufacturing Innovation Center, Leader of the Applied Peak Discipline of Textile Science and Engineering in Anhui Province, and Chief Scientist of the Anhui High Performance Materials Innovation Center. He has successfully led over 20 scientific research projects, encompassing prestigious funding sources such as the National Natural Science Foundation of China, Anhui Provincial Major Science and Technology Projects, Anhui Provincial Key Research and Development Program, and Anhui Provincial Natural Science Foundation”s Collaborative Innovation Project with Anhui Provincial Universities. Additionally, Dr. Wang has undertaken more than 40 research and development projects commissioned by various enterprises. Dr. Wang”s exceptional leadership and expertise have been recognized through numerous accolades.
15 Ebooks door Amjad Farooq
Amjad Farooq: Abridgment of The Oqual Cycle: The 84-Year Rhythm of Human Civilization (2023)
This book is a shortened version of The Oqual Cycle without data and charts so as to provide a seamless reading experience for the non-technical audience. Briefly, every nation today is …
Amjad Farooq: Summary of The Oqual Cycle: The 84-Year Rhythm of Human Civilization (2023)
This book is a summary of The oqual Cycle without an in-depth analysis. Briefly, almost every nation today is teetering on the brink of a societal meltdown as it finds itself in the midst of a …
Amjad Farooq: The Oqual Cycle: The 84-Year Rhythm of Human Civilization (2023)
Today, almost every nation-on-earth is teetering on the brink of a societal meltdown as it finds itself in the midst of a sociopolitical upheaval, the like of which has not hitherto been witnessed in …
Amjad Farooq: The Oqual Cycle In A Nutshell: The 84-Year Rhythm of Human Civilization (2024)
With much of the world having been in a precipitous meltdown over the past couple of decades and continuing to hit a new low with each passing year with no end in sight, one wonders whether this is t …
Amjad Farooq: El Oqual Cycle En Un Nutshell: El Ritmo de 84 Años de la Civilización Humana (2024)
Con gran parte del mundo habiendo estado en un colapso precipitado en las últimas dos décadas y continuando alcanzando un nuevo mínimo con cada año que pasa sin un final a la vista, uno se pregunta s …
Amjad Farooq: L’Oqual Cycle En Un Nutshell: Le Rythme de 84 Ans de la Civilisation Humaine (2024)
Alors qu’une grande partie du monde a connu un collapse (ou effondrement) précipité au cours des deux dernières décennies et continue d’atteindre un nouveau creux chaque année qui passe sans fin en v …
Amjad Farooq: L’Oqual Cycle In Un Nutshell: Il Ritmo di 84 Anni della Civiltà Umana (2024)
Con gran parte del mondo essendo stato in un collasso precipitoso negli ultimi due decenni e continua a toccare un nuovo minimo ogni anno che passa senza una fine in vista, ci si chiede se questa sia …
Amjad Farooq: O Oqual Cycle Em Um Nutshell: O Ritmo de 84 Anos da Civilização Humana (2024)
Com grande parte do mundo tendo estado em um colapso precipitado nas últimas duas décadas e a continuar a atingir um novo mínimo a cada ano que passa sem fim à vista, perguntamo-nos se este é o novo …
Amjad Farooq: Der Oqual Cycle In Einem Nutshell: Der 84-Jährige Rhythmus der Menschlichen Zivilisation (2024)
Da sich ein Großteil der Welt in den letzten Jahrzehnten in einem steilen Kollaps befunden hat und mit jedem Jahr ein neues Tief erreicht ohne dass ein Ende in Sicht ist, fragt man sich ob dies die n …
Amjad Farooq: Оквал Саикал В Нутшелл: 84-Летний Ритм Человеческой Цивилизации (2024)
Учитывая что за последние пару десятилетий большая часть мира пережила стремительный коллапс и продолжает с каждым годом достигать нового минимума конца которому не видно, возникает вопрос является л …
Amjad Farooq: 奧克瓦乐 赛卡乐 在一个 奴特切乐: 人类 文明 的 84年 节奏 (2024)
在过去的几十年里,世界大部分地区都处于急剧 崩溃 之中,并且每年都在继续创下新低,而且看不到尽头; 人们想知道这是否是新常态,或者正在进行的疯狂是否最终会结束,从而迎来更光明的黎明。 幸运的是,大自然母亲赐予了我们一种迄今为止未知的现象 称为 “奧克瓦乐 赛卡乐” 或 “奧克瓦乐 周期” 它帮助我们在误入歧途后振兴我们的社会 就像今天全球大部分地区的情况一样; “奧克瓦乐”一词源自拉丁语,字面意 …
Amjad Farooq: オクアル サイクル の ナットシェル: 人類 文明 の 84年 リズム (2024)
過去数十年にわたって、世界の多くは急激な 崩壊 にあり、終わりの見えない年ごとに新しい低水準に達し続けています; これがニューノーマルなのか、それとも進行中の狂気が最終的に終わり、より明るい夜明けの到来を告げるのか疑問に思います。 幸いなことに、母なる自然は ‘オクアル サイクル’ または ‘オクアル 周期’ と呼ばれるこれまで知られていなかった現象を私たちに祝福してくれており、今日の世界の多く …
Amjad Farooq: अक्वल सायकल का नटशेल: मानव सभ्यता की 84 साला ताल (2024)
पिछले कुछ दशकों से लेकर दुनिया का अधिकांश हिस्सा एक तेज पतन में रहा है और हर गुजरते साल के साथ ऐसा लगता है कि यह एक नई नादिर पर पहुँच रहा है जिसका कोई अंत नजर नहीं आता; किसी को आश्चर्य होता है कि क्य …
Amjad Farooq: الأقوال سائیکل في نٹشیل: إيقاع الحضارة الإنسانية 84 سنة (2024)
على مدى العقدين الماضيين، كان جزء كبير من العالم في انهيار حاد ولا يزال يصل إلى مستوى منخفض جديد مع مرور كل سنة دون نهاية في الأفق؛ و يتساءل المرء عما إذا كان هذا هو الوضع الطبيعي الجديد أو ما إذا كا …
Amjad Farooq & Hafeezullah Memon: Deep Eutectic Solvents in the Textile Industry
This book comprehensively explores the fascinating intersection of deep eutectic solvents (DES) and nanocellulose, focusing specifically on their extraction methods and textile applications. It …