3 Ebooks door Andrey Volobuev
Andrey Volobuev: Basis of Nonsymmetrical Hydromechanics
On the basis of N.E. Zhukovsky’s ideas, it is shown that stress tensor and speeds of deformation tensor only approximately describe a force’s condition in a liquid. This book presents the new vector …
Andrey Volobuev: Quantization of Fields
In the book Quantization of Fields, the problems of electromagnetic and gravitational fields quantization are examined. Quantization of an electromagnetic field is carried out in photon space, i.e., …
Laura M Fernandes: Child Well-Being and Nonresident Parents
The nation’s future depends to a larger extent on its children’s ability to develop into contributing adult members of society. For that reason, and for what many would consider a society’s moral obl …