Auteur: Angus Ross

Samuel Richardson (1689 – 1761) was born in Derbyshire, the son of a joiner. He received little formal education and in 1706 was apprenticed to a printer in London. Thirteen years later he set himself up as a stationer and printer and became of the leading figures in the trade. He printed political material, newspapers and literature. He began writing Pamela as a result of a suggestion from friends that he should compile a book of model letters for use by unskilled writers. Pamela was a great success and went on to write Clarissa, one of the masterpieces of European literature. Angus Ross is Emeritus Professor of English at the University of Sussex. He writes on eighteenth-century and other literature and has edited Swift as well as a number of anthologies.

3 Ebooks door Angus Ross

Tobias Smollett: Humphry Clinker
Matthew Bramble, a gout-ridden misanthrope, travels Britain with his nephew, niece, spinster sister and man-servant, the trusty Humphry Clinker. In poor health, Bramble sees the world as one of degen …
Samuel Richardson: Clarissa, or the History of A Young Lady
Pressured by her unscrupulous family to marry a wealthy man she detests, the young Clarissa Harlowe is tricked into fleeing with the witty and debonair Robert Lovelace and places herself under his pr …
Jonathan Swift: Tale of a Tub and Other Works
A Tale of a Tub is the masterpiece of Swift’s earlier years. It is presented here with The Battle of the Books, The Mechanical Operation of the Spirit, and the Additions. ABOUT THE SERIES: For over 1 …