Auteur: Anindita Datta

Noor Mohammad, (b. 1942), is associated since 1976 with the Delhi School of Economics, University of Delhi, as Lecturer, Reader, Professor, Head of the Department and Co-ordinator UGC-SAP. He has published more than 5 dozen research papers in many scholarly referred journals. His books Agricultural Landuse in India and Caste and Primary Occupations: A Geographical Analysis have been very well received and have won wide acclaim in Indian and Foreign universities. Prof. Mohammad has edited Perspectives in Agricultural Geography (in Five Volumes) and New Dimensions in Agricultural Geography (in Eight Volumes) under Concept’s International Series in Geography which has been well taken the world over. R.B. Singh is presently Reader and Dy. Coordinator-UGC SAP in the Department of Geography, Delhi School of Economics, University of Delhi. He has specialized in Environmental Studies, Disaster Management, Remote Sensing and GIS Technology. He has to his credit 26 research volumes/books and 145 research papers published in national and international journals. He is Secretary General, National Association of Geographers, India (NAGI) and is Steering Committee Member of the IGU Commission on LUCC since 1996. He is associated with four prestigious International collaborative research programmes such as ICSSR-IDPAD, CIDA-SICI, DFID and SHARP as Project Director. Anindita Datta is a Senior Lecturer at the Department of Geography, Delhi School of Economics, University of Delhi. Her research interests are primarily within the field of social geography and gender and development issues. Datta has been associated with the Panjab University, Chandigarh and briefly with the Norwegian University for Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway earlier in her career. Apart from publishing regularly in internationally known journals, she is part of the Department’s University Grants Commission funded Special Assistance Programme.

8 Ebooks door Anindita Datta

Anindita Datta & Peter Hopkins: Routledge Handbook of Gender and Feminist Geographies
This handbook provides a comprehensive analysis of contemporary gender and feminist geographies in an international and multi-disciplinary context. It features 48 new contributions from both experien …
Anindita Datta & Peter Hopkins: Routledge Handbook of Gender and Feminist Geographies
This handbook provides a comprehensive analysis of contemporary gender and feminist geographies in an international and multi-disciplinary context. It features 48 new contributions from both experien …
Anindita (Delhi School of Economics) Datta: Gender, Space and Agency in India
This volume explores the links between gender, space and agency in India. It offers fresh perspectives and frameworks within which these links can be analyzed across diverse geographical contexts in …
Anindita (Delhi School of Economics) Datta: Gender, Space and Agency in India
This volume explores the links between gender, space and agency in India. It offers fresh perspectives and frameworks within which these links can be analyzed across diverse geographical contexts in …
Anindita Datta & Janet Momsen: Bridging Worlds – Building Feminist Geographies
This book marks the 30th anniversary of the IGU Commission on Gender and Geography, honouring the contributions of Janice Monk in establishing the field of feminist geography. The collection is publi …
Anindita Datta & Janet Momsen: Bridging Worlds – Building Feminist Geographies
This book marks the 30th anniversary of the IGU Commission on Gender and Geography, honouring the contributions of Janice Monk in establishing the field of feminist geography. The collection is publi …
Anindita Datta & Noor Mohammad: Spatial Information Technology for Natural Resource Management
Contents: Editorial, Monitoring of forest fires/biomass burning-Satellite remote sensing approach, rhythm of spore shedding in marine algae, Effect of autumn-winter season on the development of insec …
Grace Adeniyi-Ogunyankin & Anindita Datta: Handbook on Gender and Cities
This Handbook is a state-of-the-art exploration of the multidisciplinary field of gender and cities scholarship, providing in-depth assessments of the latest research within key areas of feminist urb …