Preparing for Professional Practice in Health and Social
Care is the ultimate companion for students and newly qualified
practitioners in occupational therapy, physiotherapy and other
allied health professions.
A multi-professional team of qualified and experienced
contributors explain key concepts in professional practice within
the contexts of health, social care and education systems. Topics
range from law, ethics and client-centred practice to
interprofessional working, team-building, communication skills and
reflective practice. Further chapters provide practical guidance on
writing a CV, applying for jobs and interview technique, as well as
offering advice on career-planning and continuing professional
* clear definitions of key concepts
* case studies and examples from clinical practice
* summaries of key points
* self-assessment exercises
* references and further reading
Contributors list v
Contributors’ biographies viii
Introduction xiii
1 Interprofessional teamwork 1
Anita Atwal and Wolfie Smith
2 Management of self, health service users and their families 21
Mandy Jones and Alison Warland
3 Reflection and professional practice 41
Alison Blank
4 Challenges of client-centred practice in professional practice 51
Thelma Sumsion
5 Empowerment in the context of practice: The times they are a-changin’ 63
Margaret Gallagher and Elizabeth Cassidy
6 Cultural issues in professional practice 77
Kee Hean Lim
7 The ethics of healthcare and multiprofessional dilemmas 99
David Anderson-Ford
8 Documentation and the use of the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) in interprofessional working 113
Anne Mc Intyre
9 Preparation for professional practice: evidence-based practice 131
Sally Spencer
10 The golden thread of continuing professional development – continuing professional development and professional portfolios 143
Margaret Gallagher
11 Preparation for health and social care employment 155
Mandy Jones and Judith Mc Intyre
12 Career planning for therapists 179
Christine Craik
Professional and statutory bodies – documentation, standards and guidelines 195
Resources for evidence-based practice 197
Index 199
Over de auteur
Anita Atwal (Ph D) Lecturer in Occupational Therapy,
Department of Health and Social Care, Brunel University. Module
leader for MSc modules. Clinical experience with older people.
Expert in interprofessional working. Clinically based research.
Written papers for international peer publication and a book on
older people ‘Occupational Therapy and Older people’ (Blackwell).
Mandy Jones Lecturer Physiotherapy, School of Health
Sciences and Social Care, Brunel University, London. She has a
Doctoral Degree in Physiology from Imperial College of Medicine,
Science and Technology, a Masters in Physiology from University
College London and a Graduate Diploma in Physiotherapy. Her career
has included extensive clinical experience in critical care and
respiratory medicine plus physiotherapy education. She published an
applied physiology text book aimed at physiotherapists which is now
core text nationally at undergraduate level. She wrote the
curriculum and co-ordinated the first multi-professional MSc in
adult critical care. Her special interest is the influence of sleep
on respiratory physiology, which continues to be her research