The expanded seventh edition, complete with new materials and updated information on existing materials for chemical protective clothing
The revised and updated seventh edition of Quick Selection Guide to Chemical Protective Clothing contains the most recent information on the selection, use, and care of chemical protective clothing, such as protective gloves, suits, and other garments. The seventh edition includes new selection recommendations, new materials and chemicals tested, and updated information on existing products. This accessible guide also contains the popular color-coded selection grid. The grid system indicates which materials offer protection against specific chemicals, and which do not.
Selecting the most appropriate chemical protective clothing is essential for the prevention of illnesses and injures from hazardous chemical exposure, especially where other control measures are not feasible. Written by noted experts on the topic, the book has been thoroughly revised to reflect the most recent advances in the field. The new seventh edition:
* Offers an updated Trade Name Table with 25 product name changes, 8 new products, and 10 products deletions
* Includes 27 products in the Master Chemical Resistance Table with changed names and includes replaces outdated products with important new ones
* Contains new selection recommendations (color codes) that reflect new chemicals and additional tests
* Includes 1, 000 chemicals in the index that are linked to the UN pictograms and Risk Codes related to skin exposure
* Provides a guide for comparing the performance of available product/barrier materials currently on the market
Written for anyone responsible for the purchase or use of protective clothing, the updated seventh edition of Quick Selection Guide to Chemical Protective Clothing is a pocket guide that is the only independent source for selection of chemical protective clothing.
Important Instructions and Limitations vii
Preface ix
Section I Introduction to the Quick Selection Process 1
How to Use This Guide 1
Section II Selection and Use of Chemical Protective Clothing 5
Chemical Resistance of Protective Clothing: What Does It Mean and How to Evaluate It 5
Standards and Requirements Related to CPCs 10
The Selection Process 16
Correct Use, Care, Maintenance, and Disposal of CPCs 25
Checklist for Selection, Use, Care and Maintenance, and Disposal of Chemical Protective Clothing 29
Section III Chemical Index 31
Chemical Class Numbers 31
Chemical Names 32
Synonyms 32
Chemical Abstract Service Number: CAS # 32
Risk Codes 33
Chemical Warfare Agents 35
Section IV Selection Recommendations 107
Color Codes Used in the Tables 107
Introduction to the Trade Name Table 109
Barriers Related to the Master Chemical Resistance Table 122
Master Chemical Resistance Table 126
Section V Glossary 267
Section VI Standards for Chemical Protective Clothing 283
Section VII Manufacturers of Chemical Protective Clothing 291
Introduction 291
Over de auteur
KRISTER FORSBERG is the creator of this book concept and has 40 years of experiences in protective clothing. In 1989 the first edition was published. ANN VAN DEN BORRE has 20 years of experience in the PPE business. She specializes in chemical protection and the mechanisms of permeation breakthrough. NORMAN HENRY III is a retired Du Pont Senior Research Chemist and Certified Industrial Hygienist (CIH). JAMES P. ZEIGLER is former Principal Investigator from Du Pont Protection Technologies and currently provides expert consulting in chemical and biological protective clothing.