Auteur: Anna Paluchowska-Messing

Monika Coghen is a faculty member at the Institute of English Studies of the Jagiellonian University in Kraków. She has worked on British Romanticism, and Anglo-Polish cultural relations in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. She has published numerous articles on British Romantics and the Gothic, and on the reception of British Romantic literature in Poland.Anna Paluchowska-Messing is a faculty member at the Institute of English Studies of the Jagiellonian University in Kraków. She has published on Frances Burney, Hannah Cowley and Mary Wollstonecraft, and her research interests circle round the relationships between the novel and drama in the long eighteenth century, and on authorial self-representations in the period. Her book Frances Burney and Her Readers: The Negotiated Image was published in 2020.

3 Ebooks door Anna Paluchowska-Messing

Monika Coghen & Anna Paluchowska-Messing: Romantic Dialogues and Afterlives
Romantic writers often asserted their individuality, but this assertion tended to take the form of positioning themselves in relation to other authors and literary texts. Thus they implicitly acknowl …
Jakub Lipski & Joanna Maciulewicz: Eighteenth-Century Transplantations
This collection studies eighteenth-century British literature as enmeshed within a dynamic intercultural traffic, participating in the import and export of literary and cultural forms. …
Jakub Lipski & Joanna Maciulewicz: Eighteenth-Century Transplantations
This collection studies eighteenth-century British literature as enmeshed within a dynamic intercultural traffic, participating in the import and export of literary and cultural forms. …