A young Irishman just elected to Parliament longs for Lady Laura, who has sacrificed her fortune to save her brother. However, Phineas decides maybe he should marry the Lady’s best friend, the heiress Violet Effingham—or, possibly he should return to the love of Mary Jones, his childhood sweetheart. This 1867-68 serial is the second novel of “The Pallisers.”
Over de auteur
Anthony Trollope (1815-1882) was a quintessential Victorian novelist best known for his series of novels, the Chronicles of Barsetshire, set in the imaginary county of Barsetshire. Tirelessly prolific, he tackled a rich assortment of the political, social, and gender issues of the day. As career employee of the British Postal System, he is credited with introducing the “pillar-box” mailboxes on street corners.