Aparna Basu, Ph.D. (Cantab) was Professor of History, University of Delhi. She is the UGC Convenor ofthe national subject panel on Historyand Archaeology. She is the author ofseveral books including Growth of Education and Political Development in India Women”s Struggle :A History of All India Women”s Conference, Rebel With a Cause: Biography of Mridula Sarabhai, From Indepedence to Freedom : Women and Fifty Years of India”s Independence and a History of Delhi University on the occasion of its Platinum Jubilee. She is on the Editorial Advisory Board of Gender and History, Indian Economic and Social History Review, Indian Journal of Gender Studies and Women”s History.
3 Ebooks door Aparna Basu
Aparna Basu & Malavika Karlekar: In So Many Words
This volume will mark a new trend in dealing with women’s varied experiences of life: individual introductions situate the narrator in a context – and then her voice takes over, with no intervention …
Aparna Basu & Malavika Karlekar: In So Many Words
This volume will mark a new trend in dealing with women’s varied experiences of life: individual introductions situate the narrator in a context – and then her voice takes over, with no intervention …
Aparna Basu: G.L. Mehta A Many Splendoured Man
This book is primarily the story of an individual, Gaganvihari L. Mehta, whose life spanned three quarters of the twentieth century. Gaganvihari Mehta was the youngest son of Sir Lallubhai Samaldas. …