I had the good fortune of reading many poems, especially physics part of this book. The poems
are well-written where the author expresses many complex physical phenomena in a simple
way through his poems. I am amazed to see that a thirteen-year boy is expressing a wide variety
of topics of the life and the world through his poems.
-Dr. Kartik Ghosh
Distinguished Professor, Physics and Materials Science
Missouri State University
A young prodigy who for the first time brings science and poetry under one roof which seems
to us to be perpetually at odds
– Prof. Debasish Roy, Hostos College of The City University of New York
This book consists of 186 poems that cover the most in-depth topics of science; they are
connected to each other for they are on their same endeavor of simplifying concepts so that
common people can comprehend while retaining the sophisticated roots of the concepts. They
consist of new and old discoveries that still remain relevant today yet are not touched upon.
Through the connections of the numerous topics, they create a bigger picture. As the bigger
picture is created, they finish the organization wherein no lines are blurred. As the lines are
erased, science ends up transforming into a vast ocean which cannot be vanquished. The book
will bolster the curiosity of many as it places importance on concepts that unite the field of
science. Through this, all of the concepts flawlessly transition from one to another.
Over de auteur
Aritra Jana is the author of “Science Poetry for Dummies” and “Emerging
Genius”. Aritra Jana started writing poems from an extremely young age.
He started doing wonders as well. Aritra was born in 2007 to academic
parents; they are working for breakthroughs in science at Rush and UIC,
respectively. While understanding the in-depth and complicated matters
of physics, chemistry and biology seems even hard for undergraduate and
graduate students, Aritra expressed these topics in poems. Besides this,
Aritra has already written 1600 poems on history, philosophy, economics
and others as well as two philosophy books and one novel all at the age of 14.