1 The present volume is rich in essential phenomenological descriptions 2 and insightful historico-critical analyses, some of which cannot be fully appreciated, however, except by close examination on the part of the reader. Accordingly, such a task ought to be left to the consideration and judgment of the latter, save where such discussions are directly relevant to the topics I will be dwelling upon. I prefer, then, to approach the matters and questions contained here otherwise, namely, archeologically. In this I 3 follow Jose ´ Huertas-Jourda, the editor of the corresponding French vol- 4 ume, in his felicitous terminological choice, although I adopt it here for my purposes in an etymological sense, i. e. , as signifying a return to prin- 5 ciples or origins. This, after all, is consistent not only with the spirit and practice of phenomenology, as acknowledged by Aron Gurwitsch often enough, but as well with what he has actually said, to wit: it is a qu- tion of 1 Cf. , e. g. , infra, in An Outline of Constitutive Phenomenology, Chapter 4, pp. 185 ff. (Henceforth I shall refer to this book as Outline. ) This essay will be devoted to the study of selected parts of the contents of this volume, although, when necessary, use will be made here of other works by various authors, including Gurwitsch. 2 Cf. , e. g. , ibid. , Chapter 3, pp. 107 ff.
Translator and Editor’s Introduction.- Translator and Editor’s Introduction.- Biographical Sketch of Aron Gurwitsch.- An Outline of Constitutive Phenomenology.- Author’s Introduction.- The Problem of the Philosophy of Consciousness.- The Natural Attitude and the Phenomenological Reduction.- The Conception of Consciousness.- The Structure of the Perceptual Noema.- Essay.- Some Fundamental Principles of Constitutive Phenomenology.- Theme and Attitude.- Husserl’s Theory of the Intentionality of Consciousness in Historical Perspective.- Towards a Theory of Intentionality.- The Phenomenology of Perception:Perceptual Implications.- The Perceptual World and the Rationalized Universe.- Critical Reviews.- Gaston Berger, Le Cogito Dans La Philosophie de Husserl (Paris: Aubier/ Éditions Montaigne, 1941), 159 pp.- Gaston Berger, “Husserl et Hume, ” Revue Internationale De Philosophie, Vol. I (1939), pp. 342–353.- Gaston Berger, Recherches Sur Les Conditions De La Connaissance. Essai D’une Théoretique Pure (Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 1941), 193pp.- Marvin Farber, The Foundation Of Phenomenology: Edmund Husserl and the Quest for a Rigorous Science of Philosophy (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1943; 2nd. ed. (New York: Paine-Whitman Publishers, 1962), XI and 585 pp.- James Street Fulton, “The Cartesianism of Phenomenology, ” The Philosophical Review, Vol. XLIX (1940), pp. 285–308.- Jean Hering, “La Phénoménologie D’edmund Husserl il y a Trente ans. Souvenirs et Réflexions D’un Étudiant De 1909.” Revue Internationale De Philosophie, Vol. I, No. 2 (1939), pp. 366–373.- “Preface” to Quentin Lauer, The Triumph of Subjectivity (New York: Fordham University Press, 1958), pp. V–Viii.- Maurice Merleau-Ponty, Phénoménologie De La Perception (Paris: Librairie Gallimard, 1945), Xvi and 531 pp..- Maurice Merleau-Ponty, Phenomenology of Perception, Trans. C. Smith (New York: The Humanities Press, 1962), pp. Xxii and 466.- Maurice Pradines, Philosophie De La Sensation. II. La Sensibilité élémentaire. Les Sens De La Défense. Publications De La Faculté Des Lettres De L’université De Strasbourg, Fascicule 66 (Paris: Les Belles Lettres, 1934), 381 pp.- Yves Simon, Études sur l’idée de nécessité dans la pensée scientifique et en philosophie (Montréal: Éditions de l’Arbre, 1944).
Over de auteur
Jorge Garia-Gomez wrote his dissertation under Gurwitsch and is a specialist in Spanish phenomenology, above all Ortega y Gasset.