3 Ebooks door Associate Professor Poul F. Kjaer
Associate Professor Poul F Kjaer: Between Governing and Governance
This book explains the emergence and functioning of three forms of governance structures within the context of the European integration and constitutionalisation process: comitology, (regulatory) age …
Professor Alberto Febbrajo & Associate Professor Poul F Kjaer: The Financial Crisis in Constitutional Perspective
This volume presents the first thorough sociologically-informed legal analysis of the financial crisis which unfolded in 2008. It combines a multitude of theoretically informed analyses of the causes …
Professor Alberto Febbrajo & Associate Professor Poul F Kjaer: The Financial Crisis in Constitutional Perspective
This volume presents the first thorough sociologically-informed legal analysis of the financial crisis which unfolded in 2008. It combines a multitude of theoretically informed analyses of the causes …