Dynamics, Mediation, Mobilization provides an accessible overview of cultural memory studies, a field substantially shaped by Ann Rigney. In more than sixty short chapters, leading and emerging scholars in the field present key concepts for the study of cultural memory – from ‘divided narratives’ to ‘the platformization of memory’ and ‘the memory of activism’. The volume includes voices from literary studies, media studies, history, sociology, political science, anthropology, and psychology.
Eight sections discuss innovations in the major research areas of cultural memory studies today: 1. History, Narrative, Literature; 2. The Dynamics of Memory; 3. Mediation and Remediation; 4. Lives and Afterlives of Texts; 5. National and Transnational Memory; 6. The Matter of Memory; 7. The Agency of the Aesthetic; 8. The Memory-Activism Nexus.
This new handbook will be an indispensable resource for cultural memory research across disciplines, opening up this exciting field to interested students and advanced academics alike.
Over de auteur
Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Astrid Erll, Goethe Universität Frankfurt, Germany; Dr. Susanne C. Knittel, Utrecht University, Utrecht, The Netherlands; Professor Jenny Wüstenberg, Nottingham Trent University, Nottingham, United Kingdom.