These authors, all deeply dedicated to the telling of an African story, are committed to righting the wrongs of intellectual inquiry by setting upright the standards, criteria, and assumptions often avoided by Eurocentrists-of any complexion. Without the ‘lions of Africa’ speaking and writing about their narratives, the fields of literature, philosophy, social science, history, and psychology would cede to those without the slightest idea about the African knowledge base or how to add to it. Thus, the authors in this volume speak loudly and write deftly and definitively to erect a new phalanx of liberated minds. Readers will learn how Black people of the African Diaspora have a story that transcends Eurocentric teachings and ideology. The intricate knowledge of history, physical sciences, and social sciences is rich in the scholarship of Black educators. We Will Tell Our Own Story endeavors to navigate the spaces of sociopolitical concepts by shedding new light and thinking strategy. The stories are different when the lions are not the victims but can display agency in the hunt and hunted. The authors in this book logically state the cultural, social, economic, political, and literary facts regarding African people and explore what Africans have said-and will say.
Beyond Truth: The Subversion of Story 4
Adebayo C. Akomolafe
Telling an African Social Sciences Narrative: An Approach
Molefi Kete Asante 37
Afrocentricity and the Critical Question of African Agency
Ama Mazama 48
Social Sciences and Academic Imperialism in the Global South: Some Reflections on Africa
Gordon Onyango Omenya 60
In Search of Becoming Whole: Moving the Center in Social Science Research
Augustine Nwoye 82
Re-claiming Schooling and Higher Education in Africa
George J. Sefa Dei 107
Western Media Stereotypes and Portrayal of Africa
Nnamdi T. Ekeanyanwu 134
The Myth of Poverty: African Identities within an Ecosystem Approach to the Gift Economy
Yvette Abrahams 152
Exploring Indigenous Healing Methods: A Personal Account
Peter Onyekwere Ebigbo 161
Beyond Revolution: Who Shall Lead Afrika’s 21st Century Transformation?
Paulo Wangoola 186
Koru: Celebrating New Ecologies of Knowledges
Ijeoma Clement-Akomolafe 226
Dream States and Interrupted People
Tsitsi Dangarembga 251
Reflections on Political Science
Daryl Taiwo Harris 266
Over de auteur
Molefi Kete Asante has become the seminal theoretician of Afrocentric infusion into the curriculum, examining and advancing the agency-centered ideological position in the realm of education, culture, and science. Widely read and consulted, Dr. Asante and his books have inspired educators in the United States, South Africa, Nigeria, Canada, and Brazil.