Auteur: Australia) Doucouliagos Hristos (Deakin University


2 Ebooks door Australia) Doucouliagos Hristos (Deakin University

Hristos (Deakin University, Australia) Doucouliagos & Richard B. (Harvard University, USA) Freeman: The Economics of Trade Unions
Richard B. Freeman and James L. Medoff’s now classic 1984 book What Do Unions Do? stimulated an enormous theoretical and empirical literature on the economic impact of trade unions. Trade unions cont …
Hristos (Deakin University, Australia) Doucouliagos & Richard B. (Harvard University, USA) Freeman: The Economics of Trade Unions
Richard B. Freeman and James L. Medoff’s now classic 1984 book What Do Unions Do? stimulated an enormous theoretical and empirical literature on the economic impact of trade unions. Trade unions cont …