Auteur: Bahriye Kemal Filippo Menozzi

Filippo Menozzi, Bahriye Kemal and Tinashe Mushakavanhu have recently completed their doctoral studies at the Centre for Colonial and Postcolonial Studies at the University of Kent (UK). Their work is primarily about postcolonial and related literatures from India, Africa, Cyprus and the Middle East. They have published in both academic and literary journals, and are the co-organisers of a symposium on migration held at the University of Kent in October 2011.

1 Ebooks door Bahriye Kemal Filippo Menozzi

Bahriye Kemal & Filippo Menozzi: Visa Stories
Visa Stories: Experiences between Law and Migration is an interdisciplinary volume that addresses recent public controversies on migration in the UK and Europe. In this context, it aims to recover th …