Auteur: Barbara L. Bellman

Living in Washington, DC, Barbara Bellman is founder of 3-Legged Stool, a brand strategy consultancy. Her career focus has been in the area of marketing to women. She is the author of Reaching Women, The way to go in marketing health services; and Hitting The Right Nerve. Susan Goldstein practices family law in Beverly Hills, California. She has represented hundreds of women as they go through the life changing experience of divorce to protect their rights and provide counsel about what lies ahead. She is co-author of The Smart Divorce, a book designed to bring sanity to the minefield of divorce.

1 Ebooks door Barbara L. Bellman

Barbara L. Bellman & Susan Goldstein: Flirting After Fifty
Why do some women always have a man in their lives, and others never do? We owe a debt of gratitude to those women who are successful in dating, in flirting, in meeting great guys. They have shown us …