Guruprasad Madhavan (Editor) is a program officer at the National Academy of Sciences, National Academy of Engineering, Institute of Medicine, and National Research Council—collectively known as the National Academies—in Washington, DC.
Barbara Oakley (Editor) is an associate professor of engineering at Oakland University in Rochester, Michigan, and a former vice-president of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society.
David Green (Editor) is a Mac Arthur Fellow, Ashoka Fellow and is recognized by the Schwab Foundation as a leading social entrepreneur.
David Koon (Editor) represented the 135th district of the New York State Legislative Assembly from 1996 to 2010.
Penny Low (Editor) is a Member of Parliament of Singapore, and was the youngest elected female representative in 2001.
Michael Spence (Foreword) is William R. Berkley Professor in Economics and Business at New York University, and recipient of the 2001 Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences.
Klaus Schwab (Editorial) is founder and executive chairman of the World Economic Forum.
Robert Rubin (Editorial) is Co-Chairman of the Council on Foreign Relations. He served as the 70th Secretary of the U.S. Treasury.
George Whitesides (Editorial) is Woodford L. and Ann A. Flowers University Professor of Chemistry and Chemical Biology at Harvard University.
M. S. Swaminathan (Afterword) is a Member of the Indian Parliament (Rajya Sabha) and a World Food Prize Laureate.
16 Ebooks door Barbara Oakley
Guruprasad Madhavan & Barbara Oakley: Career Development in Bioengineering and Biotechnology
Bioengineering and biotechnology are exploding—the number of career opportunities is expected to increase twice as fast as for other science and engineering fields over the next decade. Bioengineers …
Guru Madhavan & Barbara Oakley: Practicing Sustainability
Sustainability applies to everybody. But everybody applies it differently, by defining and shaping it differently—much as water is edged and shaped by its container. It is conceived in absolute terms …
Barbara Oakley: (K)ein Gespür für Zahlen
Mathematik versteht man oder eben nicht. Der eine ist dafür natürlich begabt, dem anderen bleibt dieses Fach für immer ein Rätsel. Stimmt nicht, sagt nun Barbara Oakley und zeigt mit ihrem Buch, dass …
Barbara Oakley: (K)ein Gespür für Zahlen
Mathematik versteht man oder eben nicht. Der eine ist dafür natürlich begabt, dem anderen bleibt dieses Fach für immer ein Rätsel. Stimmt nicht, sagt nun Barbara Oakley und zeigt mit ihrem Buch, dass …
Ariel Knafo & Guruprasad Madhavan: Pathological Altruism
The benefits of altruism and empathy are obvious. These qualities are so highly regarded and embedded in both secular and religious societies that it seems almost heretical to suggest they can cause …
Ariel Knafo & Guruprasad Madhavan: Pathological Altruism
The benefits of altruism and empathy are obvious. These qualities are so highly regarded and embedded in both secular and religious societies that it seems almost heretical to suggest they can cause …
Barbara Oakley: Una mente per i numeri
Più volte, durante la carriera scolastica, le sfide proposte dalla matematica e le scienze sembrano insormontabili. Ci convinciamo addirittura di non essere ‘portati’ per gli studi in generale e di q …
Barbara Oakley: Una mente per i numeri
FForse sta cambiando qualcosa nella scuola? Ci si è resi forse conto, grazie anche alla numerosa letteratura scientifica in merito, che un approccio che vede lo studente passivo nel processo di appre …
Barbara Oakley: Abre tu mente a los números
Barbara Oakley iba para lingüista pura y ‘aprendió a aprender’. Hoy es doctora en Ingeniería. Con un lenguaje claro y directo, nos brinda la posibilidad de reentrenar nuestro cerebro, descubrir sus f …
Barbara Oakley & Terrence Sejnowski: Aprendendo a aprender para crianças e adolescentes
Um guia inteligente e repleto de ilustrações, jogos e exercícios que vão desafiar o seu cérebro e tirar você da zona de conforto. Dialogando especialmente com os jovens, mas trazendo dicas que se apl …
BARBARA OAKLEY: Cambiar de mentalidad
En una época en la que se nos pide constantemente que nos reinventemos para adaptarnos a las nuevas tecnologías, Cambiar de mentalidad nos muestra cómo podemos descubrir talentos de los que no éramos …
Barbara Oakley & Terrence Sejnowski: Aprender a aprender
Una manera sorprendentemente fácil de dominar cualquier asignatura, con independencia de si eres o no un buen estudiante. Todos tenemos las herramientas para aprender aquello que, por naturaleza, nos …
Barbara Oakley & Barbara Oakley: Uroky bez moroky
ПРО ЩО КНИГА Усі ми начебто вміємо вчитися. Але на заваді до омріяних гарних оцінок часто стають погані зомбі. Це наші недобрі звички: відкладати навчання на потім, відволікатися на смартфон, не спат …
Barbara Oakley & Olav Schewe: Aprende como un Pro
¿Dedicas mucho tiempo a intentar aprender sin los resultados esperados? ¿Tienes dificultades para recordar lo que lees? ¿Pospones el estudio y te distraes fácilmente? Este libro es para ti. La doctor …