Project strategic superiority. Often a required read for business in college or required by an employer, The Art of War by Sun Tzu remains one of the most influential books of all time. Becky Sheetz, author and corporate trainer specializing in Sun Tzu’s strategies covers core principles offering the original text plus a breakdown of the business and management use of that principle within Sun Tzus essentials for victory. Organized graphically for easy access and retention in 6 ha...
Project strategic superiority. Often a required read for business in college or required by an employer, The Art of War by Sun Tzu remains one of the most influential books of all time. Becky Sheetz, author and corporate trainer specializing in Sun Tzu’s strategies covers core principles offering the original text plus a breakdown of the business and management use of that principle within Sun Tzus essentials for victory. Organized graphically for easy access and retention in 6 handy laminated pages, this guide can be used throughout school and your career when you want that extra edge for success. 6 page laminated guide includes: About Sun Tzu About the Art of War Why it Matters Sun Tzus 5 Essentials for Victory He will win who knows when to fight and when not to fight He will win who knows how to handle both superior and inferior forces He will win whose army is animated by the same spirit throughout its ranks He will win who, prepared himself, waits to take the enemy unprepared He will win who has military capacity and is not interfered with by the sovereign Sun Tzus Key Principles Sun Tzu for Small Business Notable Sun Tzu Passages Suggested uses: *; Students/Teachers inexpensive reference for any business student for principles everyone should know (since your competition will be using them against you) *; Personal knowing these principles is a must and can be a strategy in itself that shows a deeper knowledge of business as it relates to people and organizations