Explores the close relationship between comics and urbanism in one of Europe’s most notable global cities.
Barcelona, City of Comics introduces readers of English to a range of Spanish- and Catalan-language comics published after the death of dictator Francisco Franco in 1975. During this time of palpable social change, the Catalonian capital regained its reputation as the hub of comics publishing in Spain. Comics collectives such as El Rrollo and Butifarra, as well as individual artists from Montse Clavé to Mariscal, contributed to a thriving comics subculture that drew from and pushed beyond the countercultural comics tradition in the United States. As the Salón Internacional del Cómic de Barcelona (1981–) drew greater attention to the city, comics magazines teemed with graphic depictions of urban scenes. On the comics page, themes of architecture and city life were employed as social critique, while the city of Barcelona itself increasingly solidified its reputation on the global stage through urban planning. With a foreword by Pere Joan, Barcelona, City of Comics delves into the relationship between comics and urbanism in one of Europe’s most notable global cities.
List of Illustrations
Foreword: My Barcelona, el seny i la rauxa in the Comic
Pere Joan
Introduction: La ciutat dels tebeos
Part I: The Right to the City
1. The Housing Question: Anti-urbanistic Salvos from Butifarra!
2. A Space of Her Own: Montse Clavé’s Feminist Urban Revolution
3. A la calle: Martí, Pepichek, and the Underground Style of El Rrollo
Part II: On the Move
4. A Comix Jailbreak: Fuga en la Modelo by Miguel Gallardo and Juan Mediavilla
5. Out of Place in the Eixample: Tilting at Windmills with Antonio Pamies
6. Mobile Societies: Space, Place, and Nonplace in Pere Joan’s Passatger en transit
Part III: Design Aesthetics and Architecture
7. Spectacular Modernity: The Urban Visions of Victoria Bermejo and Juan Linares
8. Branding Bar Cel Ona: Mariscal’s Design Aesthetics and the Business of Comics
9. Architecture, Antoni Gaudí, and the Global Urban Imagination
Over de auteur
Benjamin Fraser is Professor of Iberian Studies at the University of Arizona. He is the author of many books, including The Art of Pere Joan: Space, Landscape, and Comics Form and Visible Cities, Global Comics: Urban Images and Spatial Form.